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2016 Q1&2 full load hours for hydro, coal and wind power by province

Published on: July 27, 2016

Original title: 能源局发布上半年电厂发电设备利用小时情况
Links: Original CN (url).

NEA publishes 2016 Q1&2 full load hours for electric power plants

According to monthly statistics from the China Electricity Council, for the first half of 2016, the national average full-load hours for power plants with a generation capacity of 6 MW and above was 1797 hours, down 138 hours from the same period last year。

As of the end of June, total installed capacity of hydropower was 280 GW, with average productivity of 1658 full-load hours, up 146 hours from the same period last year。Compared with the same period last year, 19 provinces saw increased productivity of hydropower. In Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Zhejiang and Jilin hydropower productivity increased by more than 600 full-load hours, whilst hydropower productivity in Henan and Inner Mongolia fell by 638 hours and 512 hours。Out of the 13 provinces with more than 5 GW hydropower capacity, 9 provinces saw an increase of hydropower productivity, including Fujian, Hunan and Zhejiang (increase of more than 600 full-load hours), Gansu, Qinghai and Yunnan (increase of 260, 204 and 171 hours, respectively) on the same period last year。

As of the end of June, national installed capacity of thermal power plants of 6 MW and above stood at 1,020 GW. Average productivity of these thermal power plants was 1964 full-load hours, down 194 hours compared with the same period last year。Average productivity of such thermal power plants was 2,487 full-load hours in Shandong;In Jiangsu, Hebei and Hainan productivity exceeded 2,300 full-load hours;In Chongqing, Fujian, Guangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan and Tibet productivity was less than 1,500 full-load hours, with just 648 hours in Yunnan and only 47 in Tibet。Compared with the same period last year, productivity of thermal power plants was down in 27 provinces. In Qinghai, Fujian and Hunan productivity was down by 897, 663 and 633 full-load hours, respectively。

As of the end of June, national grid-connected capacity of wind power stood at 140 GW, with average productivity of 917 full-load hours; down 85 hours over the same period last year。In Yunnan and Sichuan, average productivity of wind power reached 1,441 and 1,377 full-load hours。Out of the 13 provinces with installed capacity of wind power exceeding 3 GW, productivity axceede the national average in Yunnan, Hebei, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Shandong, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia;In Xinjiang, Gansu, Ningxia, and Jilin average productivity of wind power was 578, 590, 677 and 687 full-load hours, respectively, down 317, 109, 83 and 350 hours from the same period last year。

The average productivity in the first half of 2016 for power plants of 6 MW and above, as well as changes in productivity compared with last year are reported in Tables 1 and 2。

(Note:all statistics are for power plants with a generation capacity of 6 MW and above)


Table 1:2016 Q1&2 average full-load hours for power plants 6 MW and above (unit:hours)

Area Total Of which
Hydro power Thermal power Wind power
National 1797 1658 1964 917
Beijing 1877 723 2011 1145
Tianjin 1907 1952 1266
Hebei 2074 655 2426 1172
Shanxi 1668 739 1818 1025
Inner Mongolia 1803 574 2179 1024
Liaoning 1810 851 2012 1048
Jilin 1409 1243 1651 677
Heilongjiang 1685 1040 1931 836
Shanghai 1752 1774 1116
Jiangsu 2326 722 2446 1049
Zhejiang 1934 1577 1835 1053
Anhui 2043 1102 2183 1123
Fujian 1829 2747 1386 1166
Jiangxi 1966 2391 2013 979
Shandong 2325 733 2487 1047
Henan 1836 1158 1905 1012
Hubei 1774 1871 1738 906
Hunan 1547 2254 1194 1033
Guangdong 1713 1091 1568 788
Guangxi 1794 2196 1340 1134
Hainan 2119 416 2376 879
Chongqing 1645 2046 1492 879
Sichuan 1582 1715 1074 1377
Guizhou 1773 1853 1828 839
Yunnan 1230 1383 648 1441
Tibet 942 1174 47 1157
Shaanxi 1981 1153 2138 988
Gansu 1245 1465 1792 590
Qinghai 1258 1297 1979 1012
Ningxia 1676 1519 2268 687
Xinjiang 1542 1428 2115 578

Appendix 2:2016 Q1&2 changes in average full-load hours for power plants 6 MW and above (unit:hours)

Area Total Of which
Hydro power Thermal power Wind power
National -138 146 -194 -85
Beijing 199 436 178 98
Tianjin -277 -258 -72
Hebei -37 395 -31 146
Shanxi -236 53 -230 -23
Inner Mongolia -202 -512 -216 -30
Liaoning 19 388 -2 64
Jilin 32 602 -19 -83
Heilongjiang -39 104 -27 -53
Shanghai -273 -273 22
Jiangsu -139 269 -123 101
Zhejiang -119 664 -202 147
Anhui -18 356 10 84
Fujian -147 1465 -663 -105
Jiangxi -275 889 -423 -48
Shandong 69 408 90 -40
Henan -97 -638 -48 -102
Hubei 110 236 7 -149
Hunan -156 717 -633 -130
Guangdong -248 390 -404 -721
Guangxi -84 289 -524 -32
Hainan -394 -447 -564 -164
Chongqing -289 337 -559 -354
Sichuan -126 -15 -561 -57
Guizhou -157 169 -391 104
Yunnan -198 -171 -334 -102
Tibet -165 -390 -5 244
Shaanxi -242 -285 -208 -108
Gansu -215 -260 -252 -109
Qinghai -256 -204 -897 -100
Ningxia -517 -212 -379 -350
Xinjiang -345 110 -274 -317

Note:Source of statistics is the China Electricity Council (CEC)。

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