
The content and translation on China Energy Portal depends entirely on contributions from its readers.
Want to help out? You can do so in a number of ways:


Line-by-line translation of Chinese texts:

  • Even if you have just five minutes, you can help out! Even if you translate just a few lines, this is still very much appreciated! Learn how to use the translation software on this site here.
  • Remember: if you would like to be acknowledged for your effort, make sure to log in so that your name is registered with the lines of text that you translate.
  • Of course you can choose to focus your efforts on the subject area you think is most interesting. If you don’t have a very strong preference, see some suggested texts to help translate in the list of most wanted translations.


Other ways to contribute are:

  • Summarize: Write an English summary of the main points of a text, see instructions here.
  • Submit translations: If you happen to have, or came across a fully translated document, please submit it for publication on China Energy Portal here.
  • Tip us: If you came across an item that you think should be posted here, tell us about it here.
  • Help spread the word: tell you colleagues or network about China Energy Portal and increase our readership or translator network.

