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Provincial allocation for 2016 PV construction plan

Published on: June 3, 2016

Original title: 国家能源局关于下达2016年光伏发电建设实施方案的通知 国能新能〔2016〕166号
Links: Original CN (url).



National Energy Administration

Provincial allocation for 2016 PV construction plan












1. 2016 Ordinary PV power plant construction scale (MW) by province (autonomous region, municipality)

2. 2016 "Leader" technology PV bases construction scale

National Energy Administration

June 3, 2016

Annex 1:

2016 Ordinary PV power plant construction scale (MW) by province (autonomous region, municipality)

Province (autonomous region, municipality) 2016 Ordinary PV power plant construction scale (MW)
Hebei 1000
Shanxi 700
Inner Mongolia 600
Liaoning 500
Jilin 300
Heilongjiang 300
Jiangsu 1200
Zhejiang 1000
Anhui 1000
Fujian 200
Jiangxi 400
Henan 500
Hubei 600
Hunan 300
Guangdong 500
Guangxi 200
Sichuan 400
Guizhou 300
Shaanxi 800
Ningxia 800
Qinghai 1000
National 12600

Note:For Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing, Tibet and Hainan, wwhre no prior PV curtailment occured, there is no limit on the scale of construction。


Annex 2:

2016 "Leader" technology PV bases construction scale

Provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) Base name Construction scale (MW)
Hebei Winter Olympics PV corridor "Leader" technology base 500
Shanxi Yangquan coal mining subsidence PV "Leader" technology base 1000
Ruicheng county PV "Leader" technology base 500
Inner Mongolia Baotou coal mining subsidence PV "Leader" technology base 1000
Wuhai coal mining subsidence PV "Leader" technology base 500
Anhui Huainan and Huaibei coal mining subsidence PV "Leader" technology base 1000
Shandong Jining coal mining subsidence PV "Leader" technology base 500
Xintai coal mining subsidence PV "Leader" technology base 500
Total 5500
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