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2006 electricity sales price and transmission and distribution cost standard by province

Published on: July 5, 2007

Original title: 国家发展改革委关于公布各省级电网2006年销售电价和输配电价标准的通知
Links: Original CN (url).


National Development and Reform Commission




为增加电价政策透明度,推进电价改革,促进电网企业健康发展,根据《国务院办公厅关于印发电价改革方案的通知》(国办发[2003]62号)和《国家发展改革委关于印发电价改革实施办法的通知》(发改价格[2005]514号)精神,经商国家电监会,决定公布2006年各省级电网销售电价和输配电价标准。Currently notice is given of the following:



National Development and Reform Commission, People's Republic of China






Area 销售电价 输配电价
京津唐 525.32 156.18
Shanxi 408.63 123.47
Hebei 440.92 95.28
Shandong 478.48 90.59
Shanghai 649.60 196.76
Zhejiang 569.28 111.52
Jiangsu 590.13 160.75
Anhui 503.37 126.54
Fujian 490.13 113.65
Hubei 516.75 154.25
Henan 429.24 82.70
Hunan 496.41 149.60
Jiangxi 506.82 126.29
Sichuan 465.76 147.08
Chongqing 507.04 173.80
Shaanxi 420.74 123.80
Gansu 356.65 129.22
Qinghai 291.43 108.75
Ningxia 358.72 130.83
Xinjiang 417.13 193.58
Heilongjiang 482.22 160.78
Jilin 485.62 136.24
Liaoning 508.55 151.05
Guangdong 681.90 180.93
Guangxi 449.70 111.57
Yunnan 392.33 140.36
Guizhou 377.29 95.01
Hainan 615.23 215.44
内蒙西 352.61 97.68


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