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2006 renewable energy price subsidies and quota trading scheme

Published on: September 19, 2007

Original title: 国家发展改革委、国家电监会关于2006年度可再生能源电价补贴和配额交易方案的通知
Links: Original CN (url).





1. Projects and feed-in tariff totals
Quota sellers provide to buyers quota certificates, and quota buyers shall, within 10 working days of receiving quota certificates, make payment to sellers’ accounts according to the quota level, thus completing the trade。





National Development and Reform Commission

State Electricity Regulatory Commission


Annex I:


Quota buyer Quota seller 配额交易金额
江苏电力公司 新疆电力公司 32,472,014
浙江电力公司 吉林电力公司 34,980,618
山东电力公司 东北电网公司 24,163,652
河南电力公司 西藏电力公司 100,000

Annex II:


Unit:MW, MWh, RMB

Province Project name Category Installed capacity 支付补贴电量 Amount of subsidy
Hebei 张北国投满井风电场一期 Wind power generation 45 58,035.40 14,485,636
张家口康保卧龙兔山风电场 30 10,515.12 2,624,574
国华(河北)尚义风电场二期 49.5 18,697.89 4,666,993
Subtotal 124.5 87,248.41 21,777,203
Shandong 华能中电长岛风电场 Wind power generation 27.2 49,697.00 12,677,705
鲁能荣成风电场 15 22,869.00 5,833,882
国能单县生物质发电项目 Biomass power generation 25 14,021.92 6,185,067
Subtotal 67.2 86,587.92 24,696,654
Inner Mongolia (West) 国华呼伦贝尔市新巴尔虎右旗风电场一期 Wind power generation 49.5 140.58 38,533
Jiangsu 如东风电特许权二期 Wind power generation 100 21,050.00 3,641,650
如东风电一期 100 250.00 11,625
常熟市生活垃圾焚烧发电厂 Biomass power generation 12 8,320.00 1,539,200
光大环保能源(苏州)垃圾发电厂 18 43,080.00 7,969,800
太仓协鑫垃圾焚烧发电厂 12 5,670.00 1,048,950
Subtotal 242 78,370.00 14,211,225
Fujian 莆田南日岛后山仔风电厂 Wind power generation 16.15 37,474.06 7,532,286
漳浦六鳌风电场 30 50,761.00 5,025,339
东山乌礁湾风电场 30 21,919.30 4,515,376
Subtotal 76.15 110,154.36 17,073,001
Chongqing 同兴垃圾电厂二号机 Biomass power generation 12 32,926.20 7,892,410
Jilin 大唐洮南风电场 Wind power generation 49.3 82,880.00 21,051,520
白城富裕风电场 49.5 36,640.00 9,306,560
长岭174风电场 49.3 10,160.00 2,580,640
华能洮北风电场 49.3 93,900.00 23,850,600
Subtotal 197.4 223,580.00 56,789,320
Inner Mongolia (East) 大唐赛罕坝风力发电一、二、三、四期 Wind power generation 170 111,154.76 30,345,250
新胜孙家营风电场一期五道沟风电场一期 105 1,850.00 505,050
Subtotal 275 113,004.76 30,850,300
黑龙江华富穆陵风力发电场一期 26 10,060.00 2,548,198
穆陵代马沟风电场一期 30 2,340.00 592,722
Province Project name Category Installed capacity 支付补贴电量 Amount of subsidy
Heilongjiang 穆陵代马沟风电场二期 Wind power generation 30 360.00 91,188
伊春兴安岭石帽顶风电场 30.6 53,790.00 13,625,007
伊春兴安岭大箐山风电场 16.15
伊春兴安岭耳朵眼风电场 28.05
Subtotal 160.8 66,550.00 16,857,115
Xinjiang 乌鲁木齐托里风力发电厂一期 Wind power generation 30 65,296.15 14,365,153
达坂城风电三厂一期 30 65,755.07 14,466,115
达坂城风电三厂二期 30 2,269.47 590,061
新疆风能国债四期 22.5 52,430.00 13,579,370
Subtotal 112.5 185,750.68 43,000,699
Ningxia 宁夏贺兰山风电场三期扩建工程 Wind power generation 20.4 24,389.30 6,794,859
宁夏天净红碴子风电场 10.5 14,479.00 5,481,749
Subtotal 30.9 38,868.30 12,276,608
Gansu 大唐甘肃玉门风电项目 Wind power generation 49.3 8,743.00 2,528,476
甘肃洁源玉门风电场二期 11.9 11,280.00 3,262,176
亚行技援甘肃秸秆汽化发电示范项目 Biomass power generation 5 300.00 107,760
Subtotal 66.2 20,323.00 5,898,412
Tibet 羊八井光伏电站 Solar power 0.1 285.71 100,000
Total 1414.25 1,043,789.93 251,461,480
Of which: Wind power generation 1330.15 939,186.10 226,618,293
Biomass power generation 84 104,318.12 24,743,187
Solar power 0.1 285.71 100,000



Unit:KW, RMB

Province No. Project name Installed capacity Amount of subsidy
Xinjiang 1 风能公司中德项目1期 100.5 317,917
2 风能公司中德项目2期 545.6 140,400
Subtotal 2 646.1 458,300
Gansu 1 离网型风光电“送电到乡
971.00 4,079,792
2 中日合作敦煌雅丹项目 200 710,699
3 中德合作财政援助项目 123.7 2,367,415
Subtotal 3 1294.7 7,157,905
Total 5 1940.8 7,616,205



Unit:MW, RMB

Province No. Project name Installed capacity Amount of subsidy
Inner Mongolia (West) 1 国华呼伦贝尔市新巴尔虎右旗
49.5 1,406
Fujian 1 东山乌礁湾风电场 30 219,193
Jilin 1 长岭174风电场 49.3 304,800
Inner Mongolia (East) 1 大唐赛罕坝风力发电二、三、
140.00 608,100
Xinjiang 1 达坂城风电三厂二期 30 22,695
Total 5 298.8 1,156,193
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