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2014 electricity statistics

Published on: January 16, 2015

Original title: 国家能源局发布2014年全社会用电量
Links: Original CN (url).






National Electric Power Industry Statistics
Indicator Unit Annual total
Amount Increase
National total power consumption TWh 5523.3 3.8
Of which:primary industry power cons. TWh 99.4 -0.2
Secondary industry power cons. TWh 4065 3.7
Industrial power cons. TWh 3993 3.7
Light industry power cons. TWh 665.8 4.2
Heavy industry power cons. TWh 3327.2 3.6
Tertiary industry power cons. TWh 666 6.4
Household power cons. TWh 692.8 2.2
Total installed capacity GW 1360.19 8.7
Of which:Hydro power GW 301.83 7.9
Thermal power GW 915.69 5.9
Nuclear power GW 19.88 36.1
Wind power (grid-connected) GW 95.81 25.6
Solar power (grid-connected) GW 26.52 67
Coal consumption, net, (as standard coal equivalent) in power plants 6 MW and above g/kWh 318 -3
Transmission and distribution losses % 6.34 -0.4
Power plant productivity (full load hours; 6 MW+ power plant avg.) hours 4286 -235
Of which:Hydro power hours 3653 293
Thermal power hours 4706 -314
Wind power (grid-connected) hours 1905 -120
Power infrastructure investment Million RMB 364600 -5.8
Of which:Hydro power Million RMB 96000 -21.5
Thermal power Million RMB 95200 -6.3
Nuclear power Million RMB 56900 -13.8
Power grid infrastructure investment Million RMB 411800 6.8
Installed generation capacity, additions GW 103.5 1.3
Of which:Hydro power GW 21.85 -29.4
Thermal power GW 47.29 13.3
Substation capacity (>220 kV), additions MVA 223940 12.9
Transmission line length (>220 kV), additions km 36085 -7.3

Note:Total power consumption indicators are for total installed capacity; statistics on generation capacity, grid infrastructure construction are completed projects included in the data on large-scale power industry data。


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