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2016 National electricity price supervision report

Published on: December 11, 2017

Original title: 2016年度全国电力价格情况监管通报
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).


2016 National electricity price supervision report

In order to fully disseminate the production cost of electricity, price information and changes in different areas nationwide, to better implement cost and price supervision, and to effectively maintain an orderly electricity market, the National Energy Administration organized a statistical analysis of electricity prices of major power companies throughout the country in 2016, and created this report。


1. Overall own use consumption rate for power plants

In 2016, the overall own use consumption rate for power plants of power generation enterprises nationwide was 5.57%, a year-on-year decrease of 0.03 percentage points。It was the highest in biomass power generation, at 11.88%, and the lowest hydroelectric power generation, at 0.97%。

(i) Coal-fired units

Nationally (excluding Tibet, the same below), the average own use consumption rate of coal-fired power plants in 2016 was 6.74%, up by 0.02 percentage points compared with last year。it was the highest in the Eastern part of Inner Mongolia, at 9.96%, and the lowest in Jiangsu, at 4.31%。For details, see supplementary Table 1-1。

Looking at the five key provinces* of Shandong, Shanxi, Jiangsu, Henan and Guangdong, the overall own use consumption rate for power plants in 2016 was 6.25%, down by 0.01 percentage points on the previous year。Amongst these, it was the highest in Shanxi, at 8.67 percent, and the lowest in Jiangsu, at 4.31%。See Figure 1-1。

[* The five key provinces are the top 5 provinces that generated the highest volume of power with the type of generating unit referred to in the statistics here, the same below。]

Figure 1-1. Average own use consumption rate of coal-fired power plants in key provinces

(ii) Hydropower units

Nationally, the average own use consumption rate of hydropower plants in 2016 was 0.97%, down by 0.09 percentage points compared with last year。It was the highest in Henan, at 2.94%, and the lowest in Fujian, at 0.36%。For details, see supplementary Table 1-1。

Looking at the five key provinces of Qinghai, Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou, the overall own use consumption rate for power plants in 2016 was 0.90%, down by 0.12 percentage points on the previous year。Amongst these, it was the highest in Qinghai, at 1.62%, and the lowest in Hubei, at 0.75%。See Figure 1-2。

Figure 1-2. Average own use consumption rate of hydropower plants in key provinces

(iii) Wind power generation units

Nationally, the average own use consumption rate of wind power plants in 2016 was 2.90%, down by 0.1 percentage points compared with last year。It was the highest in Hubei, at 4.45%, and the lowest in Shaanxi, at 0.95%。For details, see supplementary Table 1-2。

Looking at the five key provinces of Shandong, Shanxi, West Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and Yunnan, the overall own use consumption rate for power plants in 2016 was 2.84%, down by 0.02 percentage points on the previous year。Amongst these, it was the highest in Xinjiang, at 2.95%, and the lowest in Shandong, at 2.33%。See Figure 1-3。

Figure 1-3. Average own use consumption rate of wind power generation units in key provinces (regions)

(iv) Other power generation units

Nationally, the average own use consumption rate of gas-fired, PV, and biomass power generation power plants in 2016 was 2.20%, 1.62%, and 11.88%, respectively, with decreases of 0.01, 0,02, and 0.04 percentage points on last year, respectively. The average own use consumption rate of nuclear power plants was 6.97%, an increase of 0.36 percentage points compared with last year。See Figure 1-4。

Figure 1-4. Average own use consumption rate of other power generation units

The average own use consumption rate for gas-fired power generation, nuclear power generation, photovoltaic power generation, and biomass power generation in each province (region, directly-controlled municipality) is shown in Supplementary Table 1-1 and 1-2。


2. Average feed-in electricity price (including tax, the same below)

In 2016, the nationwide average feed-in electricity price for power generation enterprises was 370.97 CNY/MWh, which was a year-on-year decrease of 7.42%。The highest price was for photovoltaic power generation, at 918.12 CNY/MWh, and the lowest for hydropower, at 265.81 CNY/MWh。

(i) Coal-fired units

Nationwide, the average feed-in electricity price for coal-fired units in 2016 was 362.08 CNY/MWh, which was a year-on-year decrease of 10.13%。It was the highest in Guangdong at 460.87 CNY/MWh, and the lowest in Xinjiang, at 224.78 CNY/MWh。For details see Supplementary Table 2-1。Looking at the five key provinces of Shandong, Shanxi, Jiangsu, Henan, and Guangdong, the average feed-in electricity price in 2016 was 381.98 CNY/MWh, which was a decrease of 10.73% year-on-year。It was the highest in Guangdong, at 460.87 CNY/MWh, and the lowest in Shanxi, at 328.13 CNY/MWh。See Figure 2-1。

Figure 2-1. Average feed-in electricity price for coal-fired units in key provinces

(ii) Hydropower units

Nationwide, the average feed-in electricity price for hydropower units in 2016 was 265.81 CNY/MWh, which was a year-on-year decrease of 3.41%。It was the highest in Zhejiang, at 566.84 CNY/MWh, and the lowest in Yunnan, at 193.10 CNY/MWh。For details see Supplementary Table 2-1。In the five key provinces of Qinghai, Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou, the average feed-in electricity price in 2016 was 254.57 CNY/MWh, which was a decrease of 4.24% year-on-year. It was the highest in Guizhou, at 283.46 CNY/MWh, and the lowest in Yunnan, at 193.10 CNY/MWh。See Figure 2-2。

Figure 2-2. Average feed-in electricity price for hydropower units in key provinces

(iii) Wind power generation units

Nationwide, the average feed-in electricity price for wind power generation units in 2016 was 566.98 CNY/MWh, which was a year-on-year decrease of 1.22%。It was the highest in Beijing, at 749.27 CNY/MWh, and the lowest in Xinjiang, at 428.09 CNY/MWh。For details see Supplementary Table 2-2。Looking at the five key provinces (regions) of Shandong, Shanxi, West Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, and Yunnan, the average feed-in electricity price in 2016 was 532.85 CNY/MWh, which was 3.63% lower than the same period of last year. It was the highest in Shanxi, at 634.02 CMY/MWh, and the lowest in Xinjiang, at 428,09 CNY/MWh。See Figure 2-3。

Figure 2-3. Average feed-in electricity price for wind power generation units in key provinces (regions)

(iv) Other power generation units

Nationally, the average feed-in electricity price for gas-fired, nuclear, and photovoltaic power generation in 2016 were 695.17 CNY/MWh, 420.89 CNY/MWh, and 918.12 CNY/MWh, respectively, a decrease of 5.42%, 3.41%, and 0.93% on last year;The average feed-in electricity price for biomass power generation was 736.82 CNY/MWh, which was an increase of 4.51% on last year。See Figure 2-4。

Figure 2-4. Average feed-in electricity price for other power generation units

For details on the average feed-in electricity prices for gas-fired power generation, nuclear power generation, photovoltaic power generation, and biomass power generation in each province (region, directly-controlled municipality), see Supplementary Tables 2-1 and 2-2。


3. Line loss rates*

In 2016, the average line loss rate for grid companies was 6.66%, up 0.51 percentage points on last year。

Looking at individual companies, China Southern Power Grid Company had the highest line loss rate, at 6.77%, and the Inner Mongolia Electric Power Company had the lowest, at 4,04%。See Table 1。

[*The data of some power grid companies in 2015 are inconsistent with the data of the “2015 National Electricity Price Supervision Report”; the current report uses data from the grid company's 2015 annual financial statements。]

Table 1. Line loss rate statistics by grid company





State Grid Corporation


China Southern Power Grid Company


Inner Mongolia Electric Power Company



2016 6.73 6.77 4.04 6.66
2015 6.06 6.87 4.35 6.15
Increase 0.67 -0.10 -0.31 0.51
Increase (%) 11.13 -1.49 -7.24 8.17


Looking at individual provinces (autonomous regions, directly-controlled municipalities), Hunan had the highest line loss rates, at 8.72%, and Ningxia had the lowest, at 2.89%。For details, see supplementary Table 3。


4. Average purchase and sales price difference (excluding tax, the same below)

In 2016, the average purchase and sales price difference (including line losses) for power grid companies was 219.22 CNY/MWh, a year-on-year increase of 0.74%;excluding line losses, the average purchase and sales price difference for power grid companies was 197.38 CNY/MWh, a yea-on-year increase of 0.81%。

Looking at individual companies, the average purchase and sales price difference (including line loss) was the highest for the State Grid Corporation, at 222.78 CNY/MWh, and the lowest for the Inner Mongolia Electric Power Company, at 118.10 CNY/MWh。See Table 2。

Looking at individual provinces (autonomous regions, directly-controlled municipalities), the average purchase and sales price difference (including line loss) was the highest in Shanghai, at 242.55 CNY/MWh, and the lowest in Ningxia, at 96.50 CNY/MWh。For details, see supplementary Table 4。


Table 2. Average purchase and sales price difference (excluding tax) statistics, by power grid company





State Grid Corporation


China Southern Power Grid Company


Inner Mongolia Electric Power Company




Purchase and sales price difference

(including line losses)

2016 222.78 222.12 118.10 219.22
2015 218.55 229.84 126.39 217.62
Increase 4.23 -7.72 -8.29 1.60
Increase (%) 1.94 -3.36 -6.56 0.74

Purchase and sales price difference

(excluding line losses)

2016 200.70 199.95 109.34 197.38
2015 196.99 205.14 115.33 195.79
Increase 3.71 -5.19 -5.99 1.59
Increase (%) 1.88 -2.53 -5.20 0.81


5. Average sales price (including tax, the same below)

In 2016, the average electricity sales price for the power grid companies was 614.83 CNY/MWh, down 4.55% on last year。

Looking at individual companies, the China Southern Power Grid had the highest average electricity sales price, at 640.11 CNY/MWh, and the Inner Mongolia Electric Power Company had the lowest, at 381.76 CNY/MWh。

See Table 3。


Table 3. Average electricity sales price statistics, by grid company





State Grid Corporation


China Southern Power Grid Company


Inner Mongolia Electric Power Company



2016 618.49 640.11 381.76 614.83
2015 646.73 669.91 432.21 644.16
Increase -28.24 -29.8 -50.45 -29.33
Increase (%) -4.37 -4.45 -11.67 -4.55

Note:Excluding government funds or surcharges; including taxes。

Looking at individual provinces (autonomous regions, directly-controlled municipalities), the average electricity sales price was the highest in Shenzhen, at 784.70 CNY/MWh, and the lowest in Ningxia, at 353.67 CNY/MWh。For details, see supplementary Table 5。

Looking at the different electricity rates, the average electricity price was the highest for general industry and commerce, etc., at 817.44 CNY/MWh;the electricity price for large-scale industry was 645.65 CNY/MWh;the average residential electricity rate (incl. distribution) was 548.00 CNY/MWh。See Figure 3。

Figure 3. Comparison of different electricity rates

Note:The electricity rates are the weighted average of the State Grid Corporation and China Southern Power Grid Corporation。

Looking at individual provinces (autonomous regions, directly-controlled municipalities) (or regions), the average electricity rate for residential users was the highest in Shenzhen, at 716.11 CNY/MWh, and the lowest in Qinghai, at 404.00 CNY/MWh。For details, see supplementary Table 5。


6. Government fund levies and surcharges (including tax, the same below)

In 2016, the national average of [levies for] government funds and surcharges levied on the electricity sales price was 46.45 CNY/MWh (determined as the average value of power sales by grid companies within a province, the same below), an increase of 18.43% on last year。

There are five main types of government funds and surcharges: the Major Water Conservancy Project Construction Fund, the Rural Power Grid Repayment Fund, the Support Fund for Relocation after Reservoir construction, the Renewable Energy Development Fund, and the Urban Public Utility Surcharge (Cancelled April 2017)。

Looking at individual provinces (autonomous regions, directly-controlled municipalities), the average [levies for] government funds and surcharges are the highest in Chongqing, at 68.54 CNY/MWh, and the lowest in Xinjiang, at 6.81 CNY/MWh。For details, see supplementary Table 6。

(This article has been deleted)


Annex:1. Overall own use consumption rate for power plants

2. Average electricity feed-in price for power generation enterprises

3. Power grid company line loss rate statistics

4. Average electricity purchase and sales price differences (excluding tax) for power grid companies

5. Power grid companies' average electricity sales price and average residential electricity prices

6. Grid companies' average collection of government funds and surcharges


Supplementary Table 1-1. Overall own use consumption rate for power plants




Coal fired Gas Hydro power
2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015
National average 6.74 6.72 2.2 2.21 0.97 1.06
Beijing 2.41 2.38
Tianjin 7.81 7.26 2.58 2.67
Hebei 7.54 7.34
Shandong 6.51 6.51
Shanxi 8.67 8.44 2.7 3.06 1.86 1.97
Inner Mongolia (East) 9.96 9.26 2.4 2.37
Inner Mongolia (West) 8.33 7.95 1.15 1.04
Liaoning 8.23 8.14 2.78 4.64
Jilin 9.36 9.82 1.15 1.17
Heilongjiang 8.62 8.78 1.92 2.25
Shaanxi 8.18 7.96 1.54 1.45
Gansu 7.79 8.07 2.27 1.73
Ningxia 8.08 7.47 2.57 2.60
Qinghai 7.11 10.48 1.62 0.60
Xinjiang 8.33 8.24 1.27 1.24
Shanghai 5.15 5.09 2.62 2.48
Jiangsu 4.31 4.34 1.56 1.55 0.40 0.76
Zhejiang 6.05 6.12 2.67 2.62 1.12 1.23
Anhui 4.95 4.96 1.69 1.80
Fujian 6.05 5.88 1.84 1.80 0.36 0.49
Hubei 5.9 5.89 3.07 3.92 0.75 0.73
Hunan 6.48 6.59 1.40 1.47
Henan 6.65 6.66 2.08 2.03 2.94 2.55
Jiangxi 4.94 5.02 1.37 1.75
Sichuan 7.10 7.20 2.50 2.30 0.94 1.41
Chongqing 6.67 6.86 2.61 2.82 0.82 0.80
Guangdong 6.38 6.4 2.02 2.12 1.31 1.80
Guangxi 8.58 8.16 3.28 2.63 0.86 0.82
Yunnan 8.31 7.95 0.88 0.85
Guizhou 8.32 8.60 0.77 0.80
Hainan 6.75 6.84 3.07 2.57 0.76 0.90

Note:Overall own use consumption rate = (power generation - power delivered to the grid)/power generation。
2. These statistics exclude Tibet, the same below。
3. Due to changes in statistical methods and sample size, some of the 2015 data are different from data in last year's report; the same below。


Supplementary Table 1-2. Overall own use consumption rate for power plants




Wind power Nuclear power PV Biomass power
2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015


















Beijing 1.31 3.43
Tianjin 2.34 2.47
Hebei 2.83 3.52 1.85 1.23
Shandong 2.33 2.54 2.12 0.91
Shanxi 2.40 2.23 1.01 2.82
Inner Mongolia (East) 2.55 3.88 1.05 1.30 1.26 1.14
Inner Mongolia (West) 2.82 2.50 1.82 2.21
Liaoning 3.23 3.13 8.98 9.55 2.95 1.04 15.85 15.19
Jilin 4.43 4.28 5.29 8.12 7.52
Heilongjiang 4.16 3.16 2.46 13.43
Shaanxi 0.95 1.33 1.38 1.47
Gansu 3.65 3.97 1.68 1.26 8.14 10.00
Ningxia 3.69 3.51 2.2 2.08
Qinghai 1.96 1.67 1.89 1.86
Xinjiang 2.95 2.69 2.04 2.10
Shanghai 3.46 3.74 12.03 12.97
Jiangsu 2.41 2.52 6.37 6.36 0.14 0.42 11.15 11.49
Zhejiang 6.13 6.11 0.99 0.67
Anhui 2.31 2.33 0.45
Fujian 2.48 2.38 8.94 8.74 0.86
Hubei 4.45 4.44 1.60 1.30 17.81 16.89
Hunan 3.29 3.77 5.25 11.29 10.94
Henan 3.14 3.09
Jiangxi 3.25 2.80 1.04 1.19 8.40 9.61
Sichuan 2.88 3.23 1.76 1.28 13.55 14.53
Chongqing 3.26 3.27 15.55 15.52
Guangdong 4.25 3.64 5.4 5.15 2.08 5.62 5.39 5.43
Guangxi 2.42 1.70 7.47
Yunnan 2.64 3.07 1.70 3.38 22.05 21.88
Guizhou 2.45 2.53 1.16 1.00
Hainan 4.10 3.77 9.29 2.23 2.06

Note:Overall own use consumption rate = (power generation - power delivered to the grid)/power generation。
2. Statistics for PV do not include distributed PV, the same below。



Supplementary Table 2-1. Average electricity feed-in price for power generation enterprises

Unit:CNY/MWh, %



Coal fired Gas Hydro power
2016 2015 Increase (%) 2016 2015 Increase (%) 2016 2015 Increase (%)




















Beijing 454.99 480.70 -5.35 732.37 735.51 -0.43
Tianjin 385.63 408.47 -5.59 719.09 758.91 -5.25
Hebei 363.07 402.65 -9.83
Shandong 386.52 446.36 -13.41
Shanxi 328.13 378.38 -13.28 675.33 704.44 -4.13 226.67 348.76 -35.01
Inner Mongolia (East) 293.72 300.91 -2.39 384.70 383.75 0.25
Inner Mongolia (West) 262.09 304.84 -14.02 350.32 447.63 -21.74
Liaoning 351.46 376.49 -6.65 254.23 632.23 -59.79
Jilin 349.77 372.28 -6.05 253.92 293.68 -13.54
Heilongjiang 362.07 377.61 -4.11 413.98 405.79 2.02
Shaanxi 325.93 379.05 -14.01 315.01 306.46 2.79
Gansu 242.60 295.69 -17.96 264.51 256.01 3.32
Ningxia 253.86 282.59 -10.17 318.69 263.86 20.78
Qinghai 258.25 313.17 -17.54 232.50 226.58 2.61
Xinjiang 224.78 252.31 -10.91 252.20 248.18 1.62
Shanghai 400.46 437.96 -8.56 814.76 845.68 -3.66
Jiangsu 377.22 414.95 -9.09 642.38 736.83 -12.82
Zhejiang 411.53 460.60 -10.65 837.86 977.44 -14.28 566.84 544.68 4.07
Anhui 357.31 383.19 -6.75 447.73 444.56 0.71
Fujian 354.22 395.86 -10.52 586.28 581.69 0.79 350.83 353.47 -0.75
Hubei 394.92 451.01 -12.44 770.78 877.04 -12.12 272.06 268.62 1.28
Hunan 448.51 481.46 -6.84 357.99 358.30 -0.09
Henan 358.91 402.97 -10.93 627.74 655.76 -4.27 311.11 336.79 -7.62
Jiangxi 398.63 441.14 -9.64 357.77 363.19 -1.49
Sichuan 455.03 460.92 -1.28 490.43 485.56 1.00 273.28 272.09 0.44
Chongqing 380.53 424.05 -10.26 649.71 871.87 -25.48 318.96 320.52 -0.49
Guangdong 460.87 495.71 -7.03 656.53 645.07 1.78 345.15 347.36 -0.64
Guangxi 382.65 439.27 -12.89 596.00 950.00 -37.26 276.22 277.47 -0.45
Yunnan 407.06 441.36 -7.77 193.10 244.79 -21.11
Guizhou 299.69 365.10 -17.92 283.46 296.34 -4.35
Hainan 393.56 426.62 -7.75 625.94 577.24 8.44 408.17 366.62 11.33

Note:Average electricity feed-in price = electricity sales revenue /(amount of power put on to the grid × 1.17); including tax。



Supplementary Table 2-2. Average electricity feed-in price for power generation enterprises

Unit:CNY/MWh, %



Wind power Nuclear power PV Biomass power
2016 2015 Increase (%) 2016 2015 Increase (%) 2016 2015 Increase (%) 2016 2015 Increase (%)


























Beijing 749.27 752.04 -0.37
Tianjin 620.64 616.48 0.68
Hebei 545.78 544.49 0.24 1204.29 1289.83 -6.63
Shandong 617.81 636.83 -2.99 978.14 919.38 6.39
Shanxi 634.02 592.17 7.07 963.27 856.30 12.49
Inner Mongolia (East) 545.64 553.10 -1.35 854.56 949.95 -10.04 747.17 714.14 4.62
Inner Mongolia (West) 487.24 506.01 -3.71 968.38 877.62 10.34
Liaoning 601.35 593.14 1.39 386.16 411.09 -6.06 710.91 1015.30 -29.98 741.95 740.51 0.20
Jilin 612.57 637.89 -3.97 941.61 746.01 746.27 -0.03
Heilongjiang 618.81 610.42 1.38 668.93 1023.75 -34.66 559.50
Shaanxi 605.70 584.49 3.63 491.19 381.30 28.82
Gansu 535.64 594.95 -9.97 896.96 921.44 -2.66 555.38 744.55 -25.41
Ningxia 658.17 584.46 12.61 765.71 818.07 -6.40
Qinghai 609.10 458.84 32.75 788.15 841.01 -6.29
Xinjiang 428.09 457.20 -6.37 822.61 847.07 -2.89
Shanghai 724.73 739.34 -1.98 2008.79 1999.87 0.45 705.50 656.55 7.46
Jiangsu 620.86 605.35 2.56 452.71 453.98 -0.28 1319.68 1329.69 -0.75 753.87 742.37 1.55
Zhejiang 414.04 428.23 -3.31 1088.10 1021.34 6.54
Anhui 607.84 610.04 -0.36 1005.14 1000.00 0.51
Fujian 600.96 574.11 4.68 422.61 430.09 -1.74 990.37
Hubei 612.98 637.60 -3.86 1021.60 1040.64 -1.83 707.56 664.21 6.53
Hunan 588.86 551.89 6.70 925.64 750.06 742.44 1.03
Henan 583.62 613.51 -4.87
Jiangxi 607.94 609.68 -0.29 1022.23 992.18 3.03 747.81 750.00 -0.29
Sichuan 544.90 645.98 -15.65 829.49 951.76 -12.85 780.39 648.94 20.26
Chongqing 608.11 611.16 -0.50 651.94 644.69 1.12
Guangdong 609.48 604.45 0.83 433.45 440.95 -1.70 742.55 701.99 5.78 748.03 707.71 5.70
Guangxi 611.04 603.67 1.22 369.41
Yunnan 483.58 577.97 -16.33 896.03 970.85 -7.71 662.69 674.39 -1.73
Guizhou 603.65 606.01 -0.39 1011.33
Hainan 618.81 601.03 2.96 390.05 513.05 495.10 3.63

Note:Average electricity feed-in price = electricity sales revenue /(amount of power put on to the grid × 1.17); including tax。


Supplementary Table 3. Power grid company line loss rate statistics


Area 2016 2015
National average 6.66 6.15
Beijing 6.45 6.70
Tianjin 6.87 6.46
Hebei (north grid) 5.77 3.59
Hebei (south grid) 7.84 8.00
Shandong 5.65 4.83
Shanxi 4.85 4.04
Inner Mongolia (East) 6.85 6.60
Inner Mongolia (West) 4.04 4.35
Liaoning 6.13 6.00
Jilin 7.03 7.29
Heilongjiang 5.70 5.39
Shaanxi 5.83 5.58
Gansu 5.78 5.13
Ningxia 2.89 1.50
Qinghai 3.34 1.42
Xinjiang 7.26 5.94
Shanghai 5.97 6.06
Jiangsu 3.87 4.28
Zhejiang 4.15 4.20
Anhui 7.00 6.39
Fujian 4.73 4.63
Hubei 6.79 6.58
Henan 8.57 7.99
Hunan 8.72 8.10
Jiangxi 6.92 6.57
Sichuan 6.67 6.40
Chongqing 6.97 6.84
Guangdong 3.25 3.61
Guangxi 5.66 3.93
Yunnan 5.97 6.59
Guizhou 5.07 4.73
Hainan 7.33 7.23
Guangzhou 3.98 3.94
Shenzhen 3.71 3.54


Supplementary Table 4. Average electricity purchase and sales price differences (excluding tax) for power grid companies

Unit:CNY/MWh, %



Purchase and sales price difference (incl. line losses) Purchase and sales price difference (excl. line losses)
2016 2015 Increase (%) 2016 2015 Increase (%)
National average 219.22 217.62 0.74 197.38 195.79 0.81
Beijing 209.48 207.88 0.77 178.80 175.11 2.11
Tianjin 221.95 216.70 2.42 193.60 188.88 2.50
Hebei (north grid) 164.02 158.06 3.77 144.24 145.20 -0.66
Hebei (south grid) 208.76 210.21 -0.69 182.56 180.50 1.14
Shandong 222.12 221.48 0.29 202.55 202.42 0.06
Shanxi 130.73 131.69 -0.73 116.84 118.62 -1.50
Inner Mongolia (East) 208.84 200.97 3.91 190.91 183.92 3.80
Inner Mongolia (West) 118.10 126.39 -6.56 109.34 115.33 -5.20
Liaoning 200.93 200.30 0.31 180.88 179.55 0.74
Jilin 211.81 213.39 -0.74 188.30 187.61 0.37
Heilongjiang 135.74 134.21 1.14 116.77 115.21 1.36
Shaanxi 153.72 164.17 -6.37 136.67 145.71 -6.20
Gansu 153.85 156.04 -1.41 141.78 143.48 -1.18
Ningxia 96.50 100.21 -3.70 90.34 96.60 -6.48
Qinghai 117.42 112.58 4.30 110.69 106.10 4.33
Xinjiang 156.89 162.14 -3.24 140.83 143.65 -1.96
Shanghai 242.55 239.80 1.15 218.10 213.34 2.23
Jiangsu 226.89 211.13 7.46 212.97 201.13 5.89
Zhejiang 219.46 225.74 -2.78 202.88 207.56 -2.26
Anhui 217.47 238.18 -8.69 192.97 214.61 -10.08
Fujian 203.78 208.87 -2.43 187.32 192.12 -2.49
Hubei 228.73 228.34 0.17 205.30 203.92 0.68
Henan 201.71 180.36 11.84 170.33 150.77 12.97
Hunan 237.06 233.46 1.54 205.11 202.74 1.17
Jiangxi 240.94 251.25 -4.10 216.22 225.81 -4.25
Sichuan 201.33 196.72 2.34 184.05 178.84 2.91
Chongqing 229.10 236.84 -3.27 206.44 213.32 -3.23
Guangdong 173.89 172.40 0.87 155.83 151.32 2.98
Guangxi 168.71 164.33 2.66 149.17 141.96 5.08
Yunnan 133.24 136.33 -2.26 121.40 120.64 0.63
Guizhou 124.90 130.33 -4.17 110.92 115.86 -4.27
Hainan 239.95 218.25 9.94 209.84 186.26 12.66
Guangzhou 187.77 191.11 -1.75 168.95 171.95 -1.75
Shenzhen 138.03 157.35 -12.27 119.02 139.16 -14.47
State Grid Corporation (parent company) 47.53 48.66 -2.33 39.83 40.03 -0.50
China Southern Power Grid Company (parent company) 71.89 73.34 -1.98 57.23 57.12 0.19


Supplementary Table 5. Power grid companies' average electricity sales price and average residential electricity prices

Unit:CNY/MWh, %



Average electricity sales price Average residential electricity prices
2016 2015 Increase (%) 2016 2015 Increase (%)
National average 614.83 644.16 -4.55 548.00 546.74 0.23
Beijing 766.00 777.24 -1.45 494.78 495.12 -0.07
Tianjin 709.47 725.31 -2.18 503.66 503.25 0.08
Hebei (north grid) 569.61 589.56 -3.38 513.96 514.33 -0.07
Hebei (south grid) 605.08 645.62 -6.28 506.36 507.08 -0.14
Shandong 641.77 698.38 -8.11 538.60 536.71 0.35
Shanxi 472.52 517.21 -8.64 491.94 493.20 -0.25
Inner Mongolia (East) 524.77 513.20 2.25 508.11 507.03 0.21
Inner Mongolia (West) 381.76 432.21 -11.67 436.24 434.79 0.33
Liaoning 592.85 613.06 -3.30 513.38 512.38 0.20
Jilin 608.67 630.54 -3.47 531.87 534.76 -0.54
Heilongjiang 525.92 547.14 -3.88 521.63 521.19 0.08
Shaanxi 501.87 557.01 -9.90 506.30 507.07 -0.15
Gansu 410.12 454.63 -9.79 522.54 511.84 2.09
Ningxia 353.67 393.74 -9.72 462.72 457.24 1.20
Qinghai 363.80 381.37 -4.61 404.00 405.80 -0.44
Xinjiang 402.03 440.90 -8.82 530.93 533.57 -0.49
Shanghai 734.55 760.34 -3.39 572.92 571.25 0.29
Jiangsu 666.56 688.79 -3.23 519.56 517.57 0.38
Zhejiang 704.39 747.25 -5.74 558.94 556.10 0.51
Anhui 636.66 682.36 -6.70 572.72 569.24 0.61
Fujian 626.65 648.30 -3.34 557.15 551.49 1.03
Hubei 641.93 669.60 -4.13 573.53 579.50 -1.03
Henan 581.39 609.93 -4.68 563.66 563.22 0.08
Hunan 668.46 681.25 -1.88 607.81 607.02 0.13
Jiangxi 674.80 711.61 -5.17 620.54 618.23 0.37
Sichuan 518.40 535.93 -3.27 523.34 523.33 0.00
Chongqing 618.79 648.45 -4.57 533.80 537.34 -0.66
Guangdong 683.04 700.61 -2.51 648.17 645.64 0.39
Guangxi 538.54 557.30 -3.37 557.69 562.87 -0.92
Yunnan 373.66 419.22 -10.76 468.01 471.97 -0.84
Guizhou 452.25 493.67 -8.39 484.17 485.44 -0.26
Hainan 725.39 734.24 -1.21 632.30 632.06 0.04
Guangzhou 750.86 770.09 -2.50 656.00 654.08 0.29
Shenzhen 784.70 807.88 -2.87 716.11 714.62 0.21
State Grid Corporation (parent company) 368.53 398.93 -7.62
China Southern Power Grid Company (parent company) 409.76 437.35 -6.31


Supplementary Table 6. Grid companies' average collection of government funds and surcharges

Unit:CNY/MWh, %

Area 2016 2015 Increase (%)
National average 46.45 39.22 18.43
Beijing 46.10 50.04 -7.87
Tianjin 59.17 55.96 5.74
Hebei (north grid) 37.09 33.81 9.70
Hebei (south grid) 41.82 29.14 43.49
Shandong 40.42 37.33 8.28
Shanxi 47.53 45.99 3.35
Inner Mongolia (East) 17.08 21.08 -18.98
Inner Mongolia (West) 53.10 49.10 8.15
Liaoning 35.04 31.74 10.39
Jilin 48.12 45.38 6.04
Heilongjiang 26.26 23.87 10.01
Shaanxi 62.82 41.75 50.47
Gansu 24.36 20.93 16.39
Ningxia 24.90 21.77 14.36
Qinghai 25.20 21.60 16.67
Xinjiang 6.81 9.02 -24.51
Shanghai 66.63 64.22 21.19
Jiangsu 51.56 41.74 23.53
Zhejiang 43.51 40.69 6.93
Anhui 47.10 42.38 41.10
Fujian 38.97 36.81 5.86
Hubei 47.44 45.10 5.19
Henan 36.66 37.04 -1.03
Hunan 51.12 47.07 8.60
Jiangxi 39.00 27.69 40.85
Sichuan 44.97 44.59 0.84
Chongqing 68.54 65.20 5.12
Guangdong 43.51 40.86 6.49
Guangxi 45.06 42.05 7.16
Yunnan 23.19 25.30 -8.34
Guizhou 31.34 29.23 7.22
Hainan 40.36 38.00 6.21
Guangzhou 44.99 40.77 10.36
Shenzhen 44.80 40.80 9.80


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