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2016 Q1&2 wind power installations and production by province

Published on: July 28, 2016

Original title: 2016年上半年风电并网运行情况
Links: Original CN (url).

2016 Q1&2 wind power installations and operational statistics

In the first half of 2016, new installations of wind power totalled 7.74 GigaWatt. By the end of June, cumulative grid-connected capacity was 137 GW, an increase of 30% since June 2015;Wind power output put on the grid was circa 120,000 GWh over the first six months of the year, an increase of 23% compared to last year;output averaged 917 Full load hours, down 85 hours from the same period last year;curtailment of wind power totalled 32,300 GWh, an increase of 14,800 GWh;national average curtailment was 21%, an increase of 6 percentage points from the same period last year。

In the first half of the year, new installations were relatively large in the provinces of Yunnan (2.15 GW), Jiangsu (680 MW), Jilin (610 MW) and Shandong (540 MW)。Highest capacity factors were achieved in Yunnan province (1441 full load hours), Sichuan (1377 hours), Tianjin (1266 hours) and Fujian (1166 hours);Lowest capacity factors were achieved in Xinjiang province (578 hours), Gansu (590 hours), Jilin (677 hours) and Ningxia (687 hours)。


2016 Q1&2 wind power installations and operational statistics

Province New grid-connected capacity (MW) Total grid-connected capacity (MW) Power output dispatched (GWh) Wind power curtailment (GWh) Wind power curtailment rate (%) Full load hours
Total 7,740 137,080 120,000 32,300 21% 917
Beijing 40 190 180 0 1145
Tianjin 0 280 350 0 1266
Hebei 90 10,310 11,740 1,630 12% 1172
Shanxi 360 7,050 6,890 890 12% 1025
Shandong 540 7,750 7,600 0 1047
Inner Mongolia 370 24,620 23,930 8,940 30% 1024
Liaoning 350 6,740 6,690 1,600 19% 1048
Jilin 610 5,050 3,250 2,060 39% 677
Heilongjiang 200 5,230 4,230 1,270 23% 836
Shanghai 0 610 660 0 1116
Jiangsu 680 4,800 4,350 0 1049
Zhejiang 10 1,050 1,080 0 1053
Anhui 310 1,670 1,580 0 1123
Fujian 280 2,000 2,200 0 1166
Jiangxi 190 860 790 0 979
Henan 50 960 930 0 1012
Hubei 310 1,660 1,590 0 906
Hunan 260 1,820 1,720 0 1033
Chongqing 0 230 200 0 879
Sichuan 180 910 1,120 0 1377
Shaanxi 0 1,680 1,760 0 988
Gansu 200 12,720 7,230 6,360 47% 590
Qinghai 120 590 550 0 1012
Ningxia 100 8,320 5,440 1,490 22% 687
Xinjiang 100 17,010 9,480 7,640 45% 578
Tibet 0 10 10 0 1157
Guangdong 120 2,580 2,330 0 903
Guangxi 120 550 510 0 1134
Hainan 0 310 260 0 879
Guizhou 0 3,230 2,560 0 839
Yunnan 2,150 6,290 8,770 400 4% 1441

Note:Statistics as reported by the China Electricity Council and as dispatched by the grid companies。

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