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2016 Targets and results for power demand side management by power grid enterprises

Published on: August 1, 2017

Original title: 2016年度电网企业实施电力需求侧管理目标责任完成情况
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).

Public bulletin of the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China

2017年 第10号


National Development and Reform Commission

Area Electricity saved (GWh) Avoided generation capacity (MW)
Target Actual Target Actual
State Grid 10463 12328 2026.9 2897.2
Beijing 258 266 55.4 66.2
Tianjin 193 199 38.8 44.9
Hebei 812 905 158.9 177.4
Northern Hebei 372 400 63 82
Southern Hebei 440 505 95.9 95.4
Shanxi 392 486 69.7 114.8
Inner Mongolia 310 322 42.4 51
Inner Mongolia (East) 87 91 16.4 21.6
Inner Mongolia (West) 223 231 26 29.4
Liaoning 475 628 76.1 160.9
Jilin 150 174 28.9 58.8
Heilongjiang 203 205 34.4 57.7
Shanghai 348 423 89.5 135.7
Jiangsu 1309 1439 243.5 296.2
Zhejiang 926 975 175.5 242.3
Anhui 378 382 86.5 89.5
Fujian 443 479 80.9 114.4
Jiangxi 259 272 49.6 63.1
Shandong 908 1748 179 398.2
Henan 686 744 153.1 172
Hubei 394 406 79.4 85.5
Hunan 311 372 69.1 88.7
Chongqing 185 200 39.7 57
Sichuan 474 516 84.8 131.8
Tibet 11 25 2.2 8.3
Shaanxi 209 218 56.7 59.4
Gansu 229 241 39.1 79.6
Qinghai 174 186 24.1 62.3
Ningxia 193 199 33.2 39.7
Xinjiang 231 318 36.4 41.8
Southern power grid 2268 2406 436.4 779.7
Guangdong 1427 1487 281 547.2
Guangxi 239 241 49 61.5
Hainan 62 65 10.8 14.8
Guizhou 231 235 46.4 53.8
Yunnan 309 378 49.2 102.4
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