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2017 Achievement of demand side management targets by power grid enterprises

Published on: August 23, 2018

Original title: 2017年度电网企业实施电力需求侧管理目标责任完成情况
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).

Public bulletin of the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China

2018, No. 10

  根据国家发展改革委等部门《关于印发<电网企业实施电力需求侧管理目标责任考核方案(试行)>的通知》(发改运行〔2011〕2407号)和《关于深入推进供给侧结构性改革 做好新形势下电力需求侧管理工作的通知》(发改运行规〔2017〕1690号)等文件要求,我委会同有关部门对国家电网公司、南方电网公司2017年度电力需求侧管理目标责任完成情况进行了评价考核,现将考核结果公告如下。



Annex:2017 Achievement of demand side management targets by power grid enterprises

National Development and Reform Commission

August 23, 2018


2017 Achievement of demand side management targets by power grid enterprises

Area Electricity saved (GWh) Avoided generation capacity (MW)
Area Target Actual Target Actual
State Grid 11132 12208 2259.5 3106.2
Beijing 276 281 62.5 79.2
Tianjin 195 220 41.8 57
Hebei 822 798 161.3 201.4
Northern Hebei 365 356 63.3 80.3
Southern Hebei 457 441 98 121
Shanxi 401 479 73.8 134.3
Inner Mongolia 375 403 46.1 61.5
Inner Mongolia (East) 84 101 16.5 26.9
Inner Mongolia (West) 291 302 29.6 34.6
Liaoning 484 789 78 191.4
Jilin 157 184 27.4 56.6
Heilongjiang 210 222 36.3 67.8
Shanghai 367 438 94.2 144.4
Jiangsu 1379 1461 278.3 300.5
Zhejiang 999 1104 196.4 283.7
Anhui 411 451 95.1 115.1
Fujian 505 515 84 138.1
Jiangxi 286 293 53.1 77.7
Shandong 959 1047 190.3 199.7
Henan 698 714 156.2 185.1
Hubei 426 428 92.5 99.7
Hunan 336 378 71.8 115.8
Chongqing 201 221 54.5 77.9
Sichuan 503 518 98.5 139.7
Tibet 11 28 2.2 4.5
Shaanxi 332 381 87.8 90.7
Gansu 219 228 40.2 76.1
Qinghai 176 187 25.7 74.1
Ningxia 183 203 34.6 57.2
Xinjiang 220 236 76.9 77
Southern power grid 2407 2781 463.2 661.4
Guangdong 1516 1807 300.9 419.9
Guangxi 250 268 52.3 59.6
Hainan 66 75 12.4 19.3
Guizhou 257 273 47.5 52.4
Yunnan 318 357 50.1 110.2
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