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2017 Q3 Electricity and energy statistics

Published on: October 20, 2017

Original title: 2017年1-9月全国电力工业统计数据一览表
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link). Same statistics for (Q3 2016) (Q3 2015) (Q3 2014) (Q3 2013) (Q3 2012) (Q3 2011) (Q3 2010) (Q3 2009).

[Note graph is Q3 2017 year to date versus Q3 2016 year to date. *Thermal includes coal, gas, oil, and biomass]

2017 Q3 National electric power industry statistics

Indicator Unit Year to date YoY change (±, % or % point)
National total power production GWh 4,689,100 6.4
Of which: Hydropower GWh 814,700 0.3
Thermal power GWh 3,452,500 6.3
Nuclear power GWh 183,400 18.8
Wind power GWh 212,800 25.7
National total power consumption GWh 4,688,800 6.9
Of which: primary industry power cons. GWh 91,100 7.8
Secondary industry power cons. GWh 3,263,000 6
Of which: industrial power cons. GWh 3,204,800 6
Of which: light industry power cons. GWh 555,800 7.4
Heavy industry power cons. GWh 2,648,900 5.7
Tertiary industry power cons. GWh 665,900 10.5
Household power cons. GWh 668,800 7.5
Total installed capacity (units >6MW) MW 1,665,030 7.6
Of which: Hydropower MW 294,450 3.5
Thermal power MW 1,081,090 5.1
Nuclear power MW 35,820 14.3
Wind power MW 157,200 12.8
Coal cons. (avg.) g/kWh 311 -2
Transmission and distribution losses % 6.4 0.1
National heat supply TJ 2,819,480 5.1
Coal consumed for national heat supply kt 159,270 6.2
National power supply GWh 4,051,000 7.5
National power sales GWh 3,793,300 7.4
National transmission and distribution losses GWh 257,700 8.3
Full load hours (national avg.) hours 2811 -7
Of which:Hydro power hours 2674 -92
Thermal power hours 3,117 47
Nuclear power hours 5,379 144
Wind power hours 1386 135
Power plant own consumption (nat. avg.) % 4.8 -0.3
Of which:Hydro power % 0.3 -0.05
Thermal power % 6 -0.1
Completed investment in power projects Million RMB 172,800 -13.1
Of which:Hydro power Million RMB 33,900 -4.1
Thermal power Million RMB 49,600 -25.0
Nuclear power Million RMB 29,600 -10.3
Completed investment in power grid construction projects Million RMB 373,100 4.6
Installed generation capacity, additions MW 93,390 2070
Of which:Hydro power MW 8,230 35
Thermal power MW 30,980 197
New 220 kV and above substation equipment capacity (AC) MVA 203,740 2460
Network length (>220 kV), additions km 33,682 6120


Additional statistics from NBS:

Original title: 2017年9月份规模以上工业增加值增长6.6%
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).

Amount YoY Increase
Vehicles 1000 units 22,789 4.9
Of which:Sedan 1000 units 9,009 -1.7
Sport utility vehicles (SUV) 1000 units 7,170 16.1
Of which:“New Energy Vehicles" 1000 units 425 30.8
Generators (power generation equipment) MW 90,970 -4.7
Raw coal kt 2,592,020 5.7
Coking coal kt 331,810 0.2
Crude oil kt 144,280 -4.4
Crude oil processing capacity kt 418,440 4.7
Natural gas Million cubic meter 108,700 9.1
Power production GWh 4,689,100 6.4
Thermal power production GWh 3,452,500 6.3
 Hydro power production GWh 814,700 0.3
Nuclear power production GWh 183,400 18.8
 Wind power production GWh 191,400 21
 Solar power production GWh 47,000 31.6
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