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2017 Summary operating stats for hydro, wind, PV, and biomass power

Published on: January 24, 2018

Original title: 2017年光伏发电新增装机5306万千瓦 居可再生能源之首
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).

From the NEA news conference, Jan 24, 2018.
On the morning of January 24, the National Energy Administration held a news conference to report newly installed grid-connected capacity of new and renewable energy sources, complaint reporting, decentralization reforms, and clean energy heating plans。

【Liang Zhipeng】below I will explain the situation for different types of renewables。

Hydro power generation operating situation。In 2017, nationwide newly installed capacity of hydropower was about 9 GW。Provinces with relatively large newly installed capacities were Sichuan (4.58 GW), Jiangsu (1.5 GW) and Yunnan (980 MW), together accounting for 78.5% of all newly installed capacity。National hydropower generation was 1,194.5 TWh, an increase of 1.7% on last year。Average utilization of hydropower was 3,579 full-load hours, up by 40 hours on last year。

Wind power generation operating situation。In 2017, nationwide newly installed capacity of wind power was 15.03 GW, continuing to maintain steady growth. Central, Eastern and Southern regions accounted for 50% of new installations, and the development layout continues to further optimize, with newly installed capacity in Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi, and Shanxi exceeding 1 GW。By the end of 2017, China's total installed capacity of wind power was 164 GW, of which the Central, Eastern and Southern regions accounted for 25.6%, whilst the "Three North" region accounted for 74.4%。In 2017, national wind power generation was 305.7 TWh, an increase of 26.3% on last year;Average productivity was 1,948 full-load hours, an increase of 203 hours on last year;Administrative areas with relatively high wind power productivity were Fujian, with 2,756 full-load hours, Yunnan, with 2,484 hours, and Sichuan, with 2,353 hours。In 2017, national curtailment of wind power fell by 7.8 TWh compared with last year, with the curtailment rate falling by 5.2 percentage points on last year, achieving a "double reduction" in both total volume and rates of curtailment。Most of the areas with severe curtailment saw some improvement; in Gansu the wind power curtailment rate dropped by more than 10 percentage points, in Jilin, Xinjiang, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, and Liaoning wind power curtailment was down by more than 5 percentage points, and in Heilongjiang wind power curtailment dropped nearly 5 percentage points。

PV power generation operating situation。Affected by multiple factors such as the adjustment of the feed-in tariff, the PV power generation market expanded rapidly in 2017, with newly installed capacity of 53.06 GW, of which 33.62 GW were utility scale PV power stations, representing an increase of 11% on last year;new installations of distributed PV were 19.44 GW, a 3.7 fold increase on last year。By the end of December, nationwide installed capacity of PV reached 130 GW, of which 100.59 GW of utility scale PV power plants, and 29.66 GW distributed PV。Regarding the layout of newly installed capacity, there is a significant trend shift from the Northwest to Central and Eastern regions。Newly installed capacity in Eastern China was 14.67 GW, a 1.7 fold increase on last year, accounting for 27.7% of nationwide installations。Newly installed capacity in Central China was 10.64 GW, an increase of 70% on last year, and accounting for 20% of nationwide installations。Newly installed capacity in Northwest China was 6.22 GW, down 36% on last year。The development of distributed PV continues to accelerate. Newly installed capacity of distributed PV in the three provinces of Zhejiang, Shandong and Anhui accounted for 45.7% of nationwide installations。In 2017, national PV generation was 118.2 TWh, an increase of 78.6% on last year。Nationwide curtailment of PV power generation was 7.3 billion TWh, with PV curtailment rates down by 4.3 percentage points. PV curtailment was mainly concentrated in Xinjiang and Gansu, with 2.28 TWh of PV curtailment in Xinjiang (excluding XPCC), with a curtailment rate of 22%, down 9.3 percentage points on last year;PV curtailment in Gansu was 1.85 TWh, with a curtailment rate of 20%, down 9.8 percentage points on last year。

Biomass power generation operating situation。In 2017, newly installed capacity of biomass power was 2.74 GW, with cumulative installed capacity reaching 14.88 GW, an increase of 22.6% on last year;National biomass power generation was 79.4 TWh, an increase of 22.7% on last year, continuing to maintain a steady growth。The top four provinces in terms of total installed capacity were Shandong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui, with 2.16 GW, 1.58 GW, 1.45 GW and 1.19 GW, respectively;Provinces with relatively large newly installed capacity were Shandong, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Anhui, with 370 MW, 360 MW, 330 MW and 240 MW, respectively;The top four provinces in terms of annual power generation were Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui, with 10.7 TWh, 9.1 TWh, 8.3 TWh and 7.0 TWh, respectively。

This was the 2017 situation regarding renewable power generation。I would like to take the opportunity to thank the friends in the media for their attention and support for our work for renewable energy development, please continue to focus on China's renewable energy development, reflect on the situation and problems, and we also welcome your comments and suggestions。Thank you all!

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