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2019 Q3 PV installations utility and distributed by province

Published on: November 5, 2019

Original title: 2019年前三季度光伏发电建设运行情况
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).

Status of photovoltaic (PV) power installation during the first three quarters of 2019






Status of photovoltaic (PV) power installation during the first three quarters of 2019

Province (autonomous region, municipality) Cumulative installed capacity (MW) Newly installed capacity (MW) PV power curtailment (GWh) PV curtailment (% of all)
Of which:utility scale PV plants Of which:utility scale PV plants
Total 190,190 131,490 15,990 7,730 3,250 1.9%
Beijing 460 50 70 0
Tianjin 1,400 1,030 120 60
Hebei 13,630 9,070 1,290 510 190 1.4%
Shanxi 10,010 8,010 1,370 1,200 10 0.1%
Shandong 15,410 6,610 1,800 130 10 0.1%
Inner Mongolia* 9,900 9,580 630 460 70 0.6%
Liaoning 3,200 2,280 180 90 0.1%
Jilin 2,730 2,050 80 20 40 1.3%
Heilongjiang 2,220 1,450 70 40
Shanghai 1,040 60 160 0
Jiangsu 14,450 8,150 1,130 230
Zhejiang 12,760 3,930 1,380 310
Anhui 11,690 6,990 510 220
Fujian 1,630 380 150 10
Jiangxi 5,760 3,160 400 210
Henan 10,350 6,000 440 0
Hubei 5,550 3,540 450 180
Hunan 3,180 1,380 250 120
Chongqing 640 580 210 200
Sichuan 1,870 1,690 60 20
Shaanxi 8,390 6,860 1,230 720 240 3.2%
Gansu 8,710 8,130 420 340 460 4.8%
Qinghai 11,060 10,910 1,500 1,450 730 5.8%
Ningxia 8,410 7,690 240 80 200 2.2%
Xinjiang (including XPCC) 10,710 10,610 790 700 1,020 8.9%
Tibet 1,100 1,100 120 120 250 20.6%
Guangdong 5,770 2,850 500 30
Guangxi 1,340 1,040 100 100
Hainan 1,400 1,270 40 40
Guizhou* 1,780 1,600 80 0 10 0.5%
Yunnan 3,660 3,460 230 150 10 0.3%

Note:1. The above statistics do not include Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan。2. In statistics for the end of 2018, the West Inner Mongolia Power Grid reported 180 MW of distributed PV twice, in both the distributed and utility scale statistics. This has been subtracted in the 2019 statistics。2. In statistics for the end of 2018, Guizhou reported 80 MW of distributed PV twice, in both the distributed and utility scale statistics. This has been subtracted in the 2019 statistics。3. Data source:National Renewable Energy Center。

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