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2020 Q1 PV installations utility and distributed by province

Published on: May 11, 2020

Original title: 2020年一季度光伏发电并网运行情况
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).

According to industry statistics, in the first quarter of 2020, nationwide newly installed PV capacity was 3.95 GW, including 2.23 GW utility-scale installations and 1.72 GW distributed installations。As of the end of March, nationwide cumulative installed PV capacity reached 208 GW, of which 144 GW utility-scale installations and 64.35 GW distributed installations。Considering newly installed capacity, there were relatively large additions in North China and South China, with 1210 MW and 990 MW, respectively。

PV power generation in the first quarter was 52.8 TWh, a year-on-year increase of 19.9%;Nationwide average PV productivity was 248 full-load hours, an increase of 8 hours year-on-year。PV productivity was the highest in Northeast China, at 350 full-load hours, down 9 hours year-on-year;PV productivity was the lowest in East China, at 190 full-load hours, a year-on-year increase of 22 hours。



2020 Q1 statistics on grid-connected PV power generation

Province (autonomous region, municipality) Cumulative installed capacity (MW) Newly installed capacity (MW)
Of which:utility scale PV plants Of which:utility scale PV plants
Total 208,250 143,900 3,950 2,230
Beijing 590 50 80 0
Tianjin 1,480 1,080 50 40
Hebei 14,950 9,780 200 170
Shanxi* 11,170 8,960 290 390
Inner Mongolia 11,280 10,440 470 440
Liaoning 3,470 2,470 30 10
Jilin 2,740 2,050 0 0
Heilongjiang 2,750 1,950 10 0
Shanghai 1,140 60 60 0
Jiangsu 15,130 8,210 270 0
Zhejiang 13,750 4,180 360 40
Anhui 12,570 7,730 30 0
Fujian 1,730 380 40 0
Jiangxi 6,440 3,690 140 20
Shandong 16,470 6,790 280 20
Henan 10,710 6,000 170 0
Hubei 6,380 4,300 170 110
Hunan 3,470 1,580 30 30
Guangdong 6,700 3,520 600 500
Guangxi 1,580 1,270 230 210
Hainan 1,400 1,270 0 0
Chongqing 650 580 0 0
Sichuan 1,890 1,690 10 0
Guizhou 5,140 4,950 40 40
Yunnan 3,870 3,520 120 20
Tibet 1,280 1,280 180 180
Shaanxi 9,460 7,810 70 30
Gansu 9,090 8,360 10 0
Qinghai 11,010 10,860 0 0
Ningxia 9,180 8,440 0 0
Xinjiang 10,420 10,270 10 0
XPCC 390 390 0 0

Note:1. * Shanxi's newly added distributed PV was negative 100 MW in the first quarter;
2. The above statistics do not include Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan;
3. Data source:National Renewable Energy Center。

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