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Approval to participate in the CDM mechanism for four projects including the Xinjiang Luneng Xiaokohu 49.5 MW wind power project

Published on: October 11, 2016

Original title: 关于新疆鲁能小草湖风电场一期49.5兆瓦风电等4个项目变更清洁发展机制项目参与方的批复(发改气候[2016]2145号)
Links: Original CN (link).

National Development and Reform Commission




National Development and Reform Commission



Project name

新疆鲁能小草湖风电场一期 49.5 兆瓦风电项目

汉能邳州市太阳能发电有限公司 30 兆瓦光伏电站项目

新疆哈密十三间房风电场一期 49.5 兆瓦风电项目


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