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China has the capacity to guide the global energy transition

Published on: April 26, 2017

Original title: 我国有能力引导世界能源变革
Links: Original source (in Chinese) (link).






而且,可再生能源已在一些国家发挥出重要替代作用。In recent years, Europe, the United States and other countries' newly installed capacity was more than 60% renewables each year。In 2015, newly installed capacity, globally, was more renewables than conventional energy for the first time, indicating that the global power system development is undergoing a structural change。特别是德国等国家,可再生能源已逐步成为主流能源,并成为这些国家能源转型、低碳发展的重要组成部分。



此外,技术进步是我国引导世界能源变革的重要保障。With the gradual growth of the scale of development and consumption, China has gradually gone from large user of renewable energy towards being a leading power in renewable energy technology industries。我国已具备成熟的大型水电设计、施工和管理运行能力,自主制造投运了单机容量 80万千瓦的混流式水轮发电机组。风电技术水平明显提升,关键零部件基本国产化。There have been substantial increases in capacity for technological innovation in solar cell technology, setting world records in conversion efficiency for crystalline silicon and other new solar cell technologies。技术进步及生产规模扩大使“十二五”时期光伏组件价格下降60%以上,显著提高了光伏发电的经济性。


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