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As of the end of September, installed PV capacity reached 120 GW

Published on: October 31, 2017

Original title: 截至9月底,全国光伏发电装机达到1.20亿千瓦
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link). See more details in the “Circular on curtailment of hydro, wind and solar PV in Q1-3 of 2017” (link).


[新能源和可再生能源司副司长 李创军]光伏发电发展情况:

In the first three quarters of 2017, there was rapid expansion of the photovoltaic power generation market size. Newly installed capacity of PV was 43 GW, of which utility scale PV 27.7 GW, an increase of 3% on the same period last year;Installations of distributed PV were 15.3 GW, a fourfold increase on the same period last year。By the end of September, installed capacity of PV power generation in China reached 120 GW, of which 94.8 GW of utility scale PV, and 25.62 GW of distributed PV。

From the perspective of geographical distribution of newly installed capacity, there is a more obvious shift from the northwest to the eastern region。Newly installed capacity in Eastern China was 11.95 GW, 1.8 times as much as in the same period last year, accounting for 27.8% of national installations。Newly installed capacity in Central China was 9.1 GW, an increase of 70 percent compared with the same period last year, accounting for 21.2% of national installations。Newly installed capacity in Northwest China was 5.71 GW, down 40% on the same period last year。Development of distributed photovoltaic continues to accelerate. In the first half of the year, newly installed capacity in Zhejiang, Shandong and Anhui provinces exceeded 2 GW, more than three times as much compared with the same period last year. Newly installed capacity of distributed PV in these three provinces accounted for 47.5% of nationwide installations of distributed PV。

In the first three quarters of 2017, nationwide PV power generation was 85.7 TWh, an increase of 70% on the same period last year。Nationwide curtailment of PV was 5.1 TWh, with curtailment rates falling by 3.8 percentage points. Curtailment was mainly concentrated in Xinjiang and Gansu:curtailment of PV in Xinjiang was 2,290 GWh, a curtailment rate of 22%, down by about 5 percentage points on the same period last year;curtailment of PV in Gansu was 1,410 GWh, a curtailment rate of 21%, down by about 8.8 percentage points on the same period last year。This was the situation of renewable energy and PV development in the first three quarters of the year。

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