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Guiding opinions on promoting the industrialization of bio-natural gas

Published on: December 4, 2019

Original title: 关于促进生物天然气产业化发展的指导意见 发改能源规〔2019〕1895号
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).

Guiding opinions on promoting the development of the bio-natural gas industry


为落实中央财经委员会第一次会议精神以及《中共中央 国务院关于全面加强生态环境保护坚决打好污染防治攻坚战的意见》《中共中央 国务院关于印发<乡村振兴战略规划(2018-2022年)>的通知》《国务院关于印发打赢蓝天保卫战三年行动计划的通知》等文件要求,加快生物天然气产业化发展,现提出以下意见。
1. Key opinions on promoting the industrialized development of bio-natural gas
Build a distributed system for production and consumption of clean renewable gas, and effectively replace the scattered use of coal in household stoves etc. in rural areas。Develop bio-natural gas, build a distributed production and consumption system for clean gas, with local feedstock collection, local processing and conversion, and local consumption. Increase guaranteed access to natural gas sources at the county level, accelerate the replacement of coal, especially in rural areas, and control air pollution and help win the war for blue skies。
Ensure large-scale treatment of organic waste, and protect the urban and rural ecological environment。发展生物天然气,以工业化规模化专业化方式处理城乡有机废弃物,构建企业化商业化可持续发展机制,加快推进畜禽粪污资源化利用,解决粪污、秸秆露天焚烧等引起的环境污染问题,实现城乡有机废弃物能源化产业化可持续利用,变废为宝、一举多得。
Optimize the natural gas supply structure and develop a modern new energy industry。发展生物天然气,立足国内,内生发展,作为常规天然气的重要补充,有利于补齐天然气供需短板,降低进口依存度,助力解决农村煤改气气源问题,提高能源安全保障程度。Promote the transformation and upgrading of biomass energy, accelerate the application of renewable energy in the gas sector, and cultivate and develop emerging renewable energy industries。

2. Overall requirements
(1) Guiding principles。坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中全会精神,坚持新发展理念,以实现生物天然气工业化商业化可持续发展、形成绿色低碳清洁可再生燃气新兴工业为目标,将生物天然气纳入国家能源体系,强化统筹协调,发挥市场作用,建立分布式生产消费体系,创新体制机制,完善政策措施,加快生物天然气专业化市场化规模化发展,增加天然气供应,保护城乡生态环境,促进生态文明建设。
(2) Basic principles
Comprehensive coordination, joint promotion。Coordinate the support policies for the production, supply, storage, and sales of renewable energy and natural gas, let bio-natural gas be integrated into large energy sources, and promote industrialized and market-oriented development。Coordinate flows of various feedstocks in urban and rural areas, coordinate production and consumption, integrate support measures for various aspects, and jointly accelerate the development of bio-natural gas。
Establish systems, circular development。Establish key systems such as guaranteed collection of feedstock materials and bio-natural gas consumption systems, and improve the industry service system。Leverage advantageous resources and flexible distribution, promote the distributed production and consumption of bio-natural gas, directly replacing coal-fired heating supply on the consumer side, forming a circular development model for waste to energy utilization of urban and rural organic wastes, and effectively control air pollution。
Technological progress, driving innovation。Accelerate the advancement of bio-natural gas technology and the modernization of project construction, and improve industrial technology and innovation capabilities。Cultivate and develop emerging markets and value chains for bio-natural gas, innovate investment and financing models and business models, and accelerate the formation of innovative and modern industries。
Market-oriented, supported by policy。Give full play to the role of markets, optimize the market environment, and better mobilize the activity of enterprises and society。Innovative mechanisms and increase policy support, and establish a bio-natural gas policy support system。Simplify administrative management, optimize services, establish an efficient administrative management system, and support the industrialized development of bio-natural gas。
(3) Development targets
By 2030, achieve a steady development of bio-natural gas。规模位居世界前列,生物天然气年产量超过200亿立方米,占国内天然气产量一定比重。

Strengthen national planning guidance。在全国国土空间规划指导约束下,编制国家生物天然气发展中长期规划,明确生物天然气商业化可持续发展路径,确定生物天然气专业化市场化规模化发展、形成现代新兴工业的目标和任务,提出生物天然气发展重点区域布局和政策措施,指导生物天然气产业化发展。
Strengthen national planning alignment。National-level medium- and long-term planning objectives, responsibilities, and layout of bio-natural gas development etc., should be incorporated into national energy development planning, renewable energy development planning, biomass energy development planning, and natural gas development planning, etc., and be properly and comprehensively be connected and balanced with relevant national planning and the energy planning of key bio-natural gas development areas。
Integrate bio-natural gas development planning。Bio-natural gas is to be included in the natural gas development strategy and planning, and in the natural gas production, supply, storage and sales systems, with clarification of the position and role of bio-natural gas in the natural gas development strategy and planning。作为分布式天然气,融入天然气产供储销体系,形成与常规天然气融合发展、协调发展、良好互动的格局。
Prepare provincial-level development plans。重点地区以省级国土空间规划为指导,编制省级生物天然气发展规划,在本地区城乡有机废弃物资源、天然气市场等全面评价的基础上,结合生态环境保护、清洁取暖等,提出本地区生物天然气发展目标、任务和重大布局,提出加快生物天然气发展的保障措施。Strengthening the inter-connectedness of provincial-level planning with relevant other planning, shall be the basis for bio-natural gas development in the administrative region。
编制地市或县级开发建设方案。城乡有机废弃物资源丰富的地市或县(或相应行政区)编制生物天然气开发建设方案,制定本地区项目布局方案,明确重大项目具体布局。They shall further determine measures to protect urban and rural organic waste feedstocks, measures for bio-natural gas market consumption, and measures for organic fertilizer consumption。纳入本地区治理大气污染、天然气发展、清洁取暖等相关规划和方案。地市或县级方案作为本地区生物天然气项目开发建设的基本依据。

4. Accelerate the industrialized and commercialized development and construction of bio-natural gas
Commercialized distributed development and construction。Form industry with local collection of feedstocks, local utilization, and a scattered layout。根据资源量优化布局,以单个日产1万-3万立方米项目为重点,整县推进,满足工业化各项要求,建设生物天然气商业化可持续运营项目。依托大中城市垃圾分类体系,因地制宜建设餐厨垃圾生物天然气项目。
Implement professional and profit-oriented investment and construction management。Actively support energy companies and other powerful enterprises, implement specialized management and services for investment, construction, and operation, for development and construction of bio-natural gas。Support enterprises focusing on bio-natural gas, opening up a new development path。Support enterprises to develop multiple bio-natural gas projects within the same area, integrating resources, constructing systems, reducing production costs and improving efficiency。
Encourage enterprises active in the natural gas sector to develop and construct bio-natural gas projects。Encourage natural gas companies to develop and construct bio-natural gas projects in conjunction with the development of urban natural gas distribution。对投资建设项目以及并入燃气管网消纳生物天然气的燃气经营企业,国家油气企业在常规天然气分配上给予支持。Companies that invest in importing and infrastructure construction for conventional natural gas are encouraged to invest in the development and construction of bio-natural gas projects。
Accelerate the formation of modernized emerging industries。Actively promote specialization and industrialization of bio-natural gas design, construction, technology, processing, operating, services, safety, environmental protection, and other industry links。Support various market actors to specialize in bio-natural gas consultancy, research and development, equipment manufacturing, etc.。Guide demonstration and comprehensively promote, to accelerate the industrialization process of bio-natural gas, and form a modernized emerging industry。
Cultivate and innovate commercialization models。Expand the fields of application diversified with bio-natural gas, and promote integrated operation of gas, heating, cooling, and electricity supply, etc., and integrate and expand industry chains for organic fertilizer, green feed, organic agriculture, etc., foster the development of new market demand and value, and improve profitability。Design and develop a methodology for carbon emission reductions by bio-natural gas, and promote its participation in carbon emissions trading。
Promote progress of bio-natural gas technologies。国外引进与国内开发相结合,集中力量突破多种原料混合高效发酵、干法厌氧发酵、发酵预警调控等关键技术。推广应用先进原料预处理、净化提纯、自动监控等成套设备,加快标准化成套化系列化。In accordance with local conditions, promote research and development of energy crops on marginal lands。鼓励企业与科研机构建立生物天然气技术重点工程实验室或研发基地。
Strengthen standardization of bio-natural gas construction。制定实施覆盖工程设计、施工建设、运行管理、并入管网、污染物排放、沼渣沼液回收利用、设备制造等产业链各个环节的工业化标准,构建产输配用产业链技术体系,推进工程认证、企业认证等认证体系建设,建设行业检测认证中心,提高行业发展水平。

5. Establish and improve a bio-natural gas industry system
Coordinate the utilization of the various urban and rural organic waste feed-stocks。开展资源调查,统筹利用农作物秸秆、畜禽粪污、蔬菜种植废弃物等各类农业废弃物,城乡餐厨垃圾,河湖水草污泥,农副产品加工有机废水废渣等,增强生物天然气原料保障能力,保护城乡生态环境,改善农村人居环境。
Establish a feed-stock collection and safeguard system covering both urban and rural areas。完善田间收集、打包、运输等环节的配置,建立农作物秸秆商业化收储运体系。建立安全高效的畜禽粪污收集体系,鼓励探索谁排污、谁付费,第三方专业化有偿处理模式。Encourage bio-natural gas companies to integrate rural land rights transfers and circular agricultural development, and innovate collection and safeguard models for crop straw feed-stocks。结合大中城市生活垃圾分类,建立专业化餐厨垃圾收集运输体系。
Establishment of biological diversification of natural gas consumption system。开拓生物天然气在城镇居民炊事取暖、并入城市燃气管网、发电、交通燃料、锅炉燃料、工业原料等领域的应用,形成多元化消费体系,积极推动优先利用。In areas that have suitable conditions, establish a system of production and consumption that integrates the production, transport, distribution, and storage of bio-natural gas。Give full play to advantageous characteristics on the consumer side, and accelerate the replacement of coal-fired applications in final user sectors。
Strengthen environmental protection throughout the entire bio-natural gas chain。生物天然气企业统筹各种有机废弃物资源,统筹产供销用,建立覆盖原料收集、生物天然气工程建设、沼渣沼液利用等环节的全过程环保体系,加强环境保护,防止二次污染,依法开展规划和建设项目环境影响评价工作。Pollution control facilities should be designed, constructed and put into operation simultaneously with the main project。加强信息公开,接受监督。
建立生物天然气监测体系。建立“项目自我监测、行业统一监测、政府加强监管”的生物天然气监测体系。Project companies are to establish systems and measures for the monitoring of operations, and monitor all process steps including feed-stock delivery to the plant, gas production by fermentation, biogas purification and refinement, and other process steps。建立统一开放行业监测平台,对全行业进行监测,加强自我管理。The competent energy authorities and other relevant departments will implement efficient supervision。

6. Safeguard measures
Strengthen the organization and coordination。将生物天然气纳入促进天然气协调稳定发展工作方案、天然气产供储销工作方案,以及北方地区冬季清洁取暖规划方案等。将发展生物天然气作为改善农村人居环境的重要工作。各省级相关部门将生物天然气纳入相关重要工作计划,加强统筹协调。
Improve support policies。研究建立绿色燃气配额机制,制定生物天然气优先利用政策措施。建立生物天然气开发利用与常规天然气计划分配、进口量分配挂钩机制。引导银行业金融机构开展绿色金融产品创新,加大对生物天然气项目的信贷支持。组织生物天然气产业化项目建设,加快建立完善支持政策体系。

National Development and Reform Commission
National Energy Administration
Ministry of Finance
自 然 资 源 部
生 态 环 境 部
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
应 急 管 理 部
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税 务 总 局
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