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Household PV project information (June 2021)

Published on: June 24, 2021

Original title: 户用光伏项目信息(2021年6月)
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).









No. Province 纳入2021年国家财政补贴规模户用光伏项目
January February March 4月 5月 Total
1 Beijing 1.786 0.738 1.198 2.117 3.528 9.368
2 Tianjin 0.438 0.489 0.628 1.516 2.041 5.112
Hebei 59.675 41.371 171.836 372.244 377.382 1022.508
3 Of which:Southern Hebei power grid 54.018 34.495 162.044 344.905 335.382 930.844
Northern Hebei power grid 5.657 6.875 9.792 27.339 42 91.664
4 Shanxi 8.123 3.844 10.245 23.394 42.833 88.439
Inner Mongolia 0.726 1.06 0.087 1.003 1.175 4.051
5 Of which:Inner Mongolia (West) 0.616 0.705 0.065 0.88 0.163 2.429
Inner Mongolia (East) 0.11 0.355 0.022 0.123 1.011 1.623
6 Liaoning 1.01 0.711 0.685 5.611 42 50.017
7 Jilin 0.559 0.268 0.204 1.176 0.856 3.064
8 Heilongjiang 0.278 0 0.45 0.311 0.412 1.451
9 Shanghai 0.617 0.365 0.453 1.083 1.375 3.892
10 Jiangsu 3.055 6.522 18.91 30.393 26.704 85.584
11 Zhejiang 8.739 3.364 7.451 17.078 13.473 50.105
12 Anhui 17.242 16.982 36.326 66.354 71.126 208.029
11 Fujian 3.664 5.073 6.691 15.96 21.213 52.601
14 Jiangxi 5.313 4.902 9.202 21.099 23.317 63.833
15 Shandong 120.35 133.488 281.457 558.136 633.849 1727.282
16 Henan 51.144 48.556 109.216 195.125 239.423 643.465
17 Hubei 3.888 1.3 2.149 2.022 4.327 13.688
18 Hunan 3.95 2.492 4.629 7.853 8.428 27.352
19 Chongqing 0.158 0.024 0.096 0.178 0.259 0.715
20 Sichuan 0.411 0.617 1.096 3.159 2.469 7.751
21 Shaanxi 0.447 0.444 2.815 7.049 10.837 21.592
22 Gansu 0.235 0.03 0.268 0.83 0.381 1.744
23 Qinghai 0.012 0.005 0.105 0.135 0.135 0.392
24 Ningxia 0.015 0.014 0.04 0.017 0.218 0.304
25 Xinjiang (including XPCC) 1.515 0 0 0.011 0.03 1.556
26 Guangdong 13.471 6.59 7.677 13.387 13.96 55.085
27 Guangxi 1.082 0.529 0.638 1.244 1.353 4.845
28 Yunnan 0.229 0.468 0.083 0.624 0.104 1.508
29 Guizhou 0.219 0 0.061 0.199 0.227 0.705
30 Hainan 0.272 0.863 0.161 0.424 0.668 2.389
Total 308.622 281.108 674.856 1349.73 1544.11 4158.43


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