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Household PV project information (September 2021)

Published on: October 22, 2021

Original title: 户用光伏项目信息(2021年9月)
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).









No. Province 2021年9月新纳入国家财政补贴规模户用光伏项目 截至9月底纳入2021年国家财政补贴规模户用光伏项目
1 Beijing 9.094 34.891
2 Tianjin 3.213 15.951
3 Hebei 578.999 3004.223
Of which:Southern Hebei power grid 515.353 2683.832
Northern Hebei power grid 63.646 320.391
4 Shanxi 72.38 357.125
5 Inner Mongolia 1.323 10.376
Of which:Inner Mongolia (West) 0.654 6.416
Inner Mongolia (East) 0.669 3.96
6 Liaoning 31.4 112.708
7 Jilin 3.774 16.495
8 Heilongjiang 0.915 5.089
9 Shanghai 1.876 10.343
10 Jiangsu 36.08 222.325
11 Zhejiang 27.864 129.213
12 Anhui 146.124 617.255
11 Fujian 63.035 245.628
14 Jiangxi 55.831 244.653
15 Shandong 699.044 4482.107
16 Henan 323.042 1716.745
17 Hubei 6.615 33.159
18 Hunan 23.339 94.154
19 Chongqing 0.214 1.731
20 Sichuan 2.741 20.112
21 Shaanxi 17.329 105.095
22 Gansu 0.888 5.349
23 Qinghai 0.317 2.13
24 Ningxia 0.265 1.014
25 Xinjiang (including XPCC) 0 1.735
26 Guangdong 31.139 155.939
27 Guangxi 2.852 14.629
28 Yunnan 1.556 8.774
29 Guizhou 0.108 1.547
30 Hainan 0.908 5.368
Total 2142.262 11675.86

Note:1. 西藏无纳入2021年财政补贴规模户用光伏项目,未报送;
2. 2. 本月北京、蒙西电网、黑龙江、上海、江苏、江西、山东、湖北、湖南、四川、陕西、甘肃、广东、广西、云南、贵州、海南分别对1-8月户用光伏项目信息作了调整。

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