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NDRC clarifies the scope of “New Infrastructure” for the first time

Published on: April 21, 2020

Original title: 国家发改委首次明确“新基建”范围
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).


At present, the concept of 'New Infrastructure' mainly comprises three aspects:

Firstly, ICT infrastructure。This mainly refers to the infrastructure developed as part of the next generation of ICT technologies, for example, communication network infrastructure such as 5G, the Internet of Things, the Industrial Internet of Things, and Satellite Internet Access; and infrastructure for new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing, blockchain, etc.; as well as computing power infrastructure such as data centers and intelligent computing centers, etc.。

Secondly, making existing infrastructure smart。This mainly refers to the thorough application of technologies including internet connectivity, big data, artificial intelligence, etc., to support the transformation and upgrading of traditional infrastructure, and resulting in integrated infrastructure, such as intelligent transportation infrastructure, smart energy infrastructure, etc.。

Thirdly, infrastructure for innovation。This mainly refers to the infrastructure with public good characteristics through supporting scientific research, technological development, and product development, such as key scientific and technological infrastructure, scientific education infrastructure, infrastructure for industrial technological innovation, etc.。

Of course, with ongoing technological progress and industrial transformation, the connotation and scope of the concept of 'New Infrastructure' is not static, and will continue to be tracked and studied。

In a next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will work with relevant departments to deepen research, strengthen overall planning, and improve systems, focusing on four key aspects。

First, strengthening top level design。Study and issue relevant guidance to promote the development of 'New Infrastructure'。

Second, optimizing the policy environment。With a key focus on improving the long-term quality and efficiency of 'New Infrastructure', revise and improve market access rules so that these are conducive to the continued healthy development of the 'Strategic Emerging Industries'。

Third, do a good job at project construction。Accelerate and promote the deployment of 5G networks, promote the optimization and upgrading of optical fiber broadband networks, and accelerate the construction of a nationally integrated big data center。Steadily promote the upgrade of traditional infrastructure following the concepts of "digital+" and "smart+"。Simultaneously, bring forward the deployment of infrastructure for innovation。

Fourth, do a good job of overall coordination。Strengthen inter-departmental collaboration, and through pilot demonstrations, compliance guidelines, etc., accelerate maturation of the industry and improvement of facilities。推进政企协同,激发各类主体的投资积极性,推动技术创新、部署建设和融合应用的互促互进。

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