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Perfecting wind power feed-in tariffs policy

Published on: July 20, 2009

Original title: 关于完善风力发电上网电价政策的通知(发改价格[2009]1906号)
Links: Original CN (url).


National Development and Reform Commission


Development and Reform Commissions, and Pricing Bureaus of Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities:


National Development and Reform Commission





Resource category area 标杆上网电价(元/kWh) Resource area includes
Class I resource area 0.51 Inner Mongolia: areas other then Chifeng, Tongliao, Xing'an League, Hulunbeier;新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市、伊犁哈萨克族自治州、昌吉回族自治州、克拉玛依市、石河子市
Class II resource area 0.54 Hebei: Zhangjiakou, Chengde;Inner Mongolia: Chifeng, Tongliao, Xing'an league, Hulunbeier;甘肃省张掖市、嘉峪关市、酒泉市
Class III resource area 0.58 Jilin: Baicheng, Songyuan;Heilongjiang: Jixi, Shuangyashan, Qitaihe, Suihua, Yichun, Daxing'an;甘肃省除张掖市、嘉峪关市、酒泉市以外其他地区;新疆维吾尔自治区除乌鲁木齐市、伊犁哈萨克族自治州、昌吉回族自治州、克拉玛依市、石河子市以外其他地区;Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
Class IV resource area 0.61 Areas not included in Class I, II, or III resource areas


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