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Rapid growth in renewable power generation in Q1 2018

Published on: May 3, 2018

Original title: 一季度可再生能源发电快速增长
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).

By the end of March, national total installed renewable power generation capacity reached 622.22 GW, accounting for 36.5% of total power generation capacity by power plants of a minimum scale [to be included in these statistics; usually 6 MW and above][Note: the original text here speaks of a number in GWh, which is considered a typo in the original text]。

Nationwide hydropower production was 193.3 TWh in Jan. through March, an increase of 2.6% on the same period last year. All major cascaded hydropower basins operated normally, with almost no curtailment of hydropower。
Wind power production was 97.9 TWh in Jan. through March, with 95.2 TWh put on the grid, an increase of 38% on last year。Thanks to the implementation of various ameliorating measures and a significant improvement in national electricity consumption, the cumulative curtailment and curtailment rates of wind power have improved substantially year-on-year。Cumulative curtailment of wind power was 9.1 TWh, down 32.5% on the same period last year;The cumulative curtailment rate of wind power was 8.5%, down 7.6 percentage points from the same period last year。
Nationwide generation from solar PV was 35.1 TWh, an increase of 64% on the same period last year。Nationwide curtailment of PV power from large-scale PV power plants was 1.62 TWh, down 30% on the same period last year;The curtailment rate for PV was 5%, down 5.3 percentage points from the same period last year。
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