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Renewable energy goals nearly achieved | NPC representative suggests higher long-term targets: 20% by 2020, 30% by 2030
Original title: 可再生能源发展已远超规划
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).
Liu Hanyuan's recommendations:一要制定更积极的可再生能源发展目标,非化石能源占比2020年达到20%、2030年30%、2050年超过50%;二要制定具体可操作的配套实施方案,增强规划执行的刚性;三是减免可再生能源税费,加快我国能源转型步伐。
In addition, Liu Hanyuan believes that improving the financial system with measures such as tax relief will boost and accelerate grid parity。"If there are such supporting measures, grid parity can be achieved quickly。”