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Reply on the implementation plan of the second batch of comprehensive management projects for key coal mining subsidence areas

Published on: June 27, 2018

Original title: 国家发展改革委办公厅关于第二批重点采煤沉陷区综合治理工程实施方案的复函 发改办振兴〔2018〕750号
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).

National Development and Reform Commission, General Affairs Dept.









      蒋大伟 010-68505532


National Development and Reform Commission, General Affairs Dept.




第二批 16 个重点采煤沉陷区名单

No. 所在省(区) 所在地(市) 重点采煤沉陷区名称
1 Hebei Shijiazhuang 井陉矿区重点采煤沉陷区
2 Shanxi Jinzhong 灵石县重点采煤沉陷区
3 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 鄂尔多斯市 伊金霍洛旗重点采煤沉陷区
4 Liaoning 抚顺市 东洲区重点采煤沉陷区
5 Jilin Jilin City 舒兰市重点采煤沉陷区
6 Jiangsu Xuzhou 沛县重点采煤沉陷区
7 Anhui Huainan 谢家集区重点采煤沉陷区
8 Shandong Tai'an 新泰市重点采煤沉陷区
9 Zaozhuang 滕州市重点采煤沉陷区
10 Hunan Shaoyang 邵东县重点采煤沉陷区
11 Sichuan 广安市 华蓥市重点采煤沉陷区
12 Yunnan 曲靖市 富源县重点采煤沉陷区
11 Shaanxi Yulin 神木市重点采煤沉陷区
14 Gansu 兰州市 七里河区重点采煤沉陷区
15 Pingliang 华亭县重点采煤沉陷区
16 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 石嘴山市 惠农区重点采煤沉陷区


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