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Trial measures for the regional integration of central government State Owned Enterprises in the coal fired power sector

Published on: December 2, 2019

Original title: 《中央企业煤电资源区域整合试点方案》
Links: Source document (in Chinese): Original scans of the document were removed from most outlets a few days after posting. They are included for reference now at the bottom of this page.

Trial measures for the regional integration of central government State Owned Enterprises in the coal fired power sector

Since 2016, due to the combination of factors such as the rapid rise in coal prices, overcapacity of coal power, and intensified market bidding, the production and operation of coal power companies got into severe difficulties. Some enterprises are operating on a loss for years, the capital flow is broken, and production and operation are difficult to sustain.。In order to implement the decision of the Central Committee of the Party and the State Council on the deployment on deepening structural reforms of the supply side, the reduction of coal power generation capacity of central enterprises and the integration of regional resources should be accelerated and the healthy and sustainable development of the coal power industry promoted.。

1. Basic situation

The SOEs of the central government that are involved in the coal-fired power sector are primarily the 5 companies China Huaneng, China Datang, China Huadian, the State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC) and CHN Energy [a merger of Guodian and Shenhua] (the State Development Investment Corporation (SDIC)), China Resources Group, the China National Coal Group and other SOE also have coal-fired power assets)。As of December 2018, these five companies owned a total of 474 coal-fired power plants, with a total generation capacity of 520 GW, representing total assets of 1500 billion RMB, and total liabilities of 1100 billion RMB, or an average debt-to-asset ratio of 73.1%, of which:257 plants were loss-making, accounting for 54.2% of the total number of plants, with a cumulative loss of 37.96 billion RMB, and an average debt-to-asset ratio of 88.6%。

Looking at individual enterprises, CHN Energy owns 152 coal-fired power plants with 170 GW of generation capacity, of which 77 are loss-making, with total losses of 11.32 billion RMB;China Huaneng owns 78 coal-fired power plants with 110 GW of generation capacity, of which 40 are loss-making, with total losses of 7.41 billion RMB.;China Datang owns 85 coal-fired power plants with 91.13 GW of generation capacity, of which 50 are loss-making, with total losses of 5.62 billion RMB;China Huadian owns 88 coal-fired power plants with 87.65 GW of generation capacity, of which 47 are loss-making, with total losses of 7.19 billion RMB;SPIC owns 71 coal-fired power plants with 67.89 GW of generation capacity, of which 43 are loss-making, with total losses of 6.42 billion RMB。

Looking at provincial-level administrative areas, coal-fired power assets of central government state owned power generation enterprises are mainly distributed over 30 provinces across the country:the coal-fired power assets of central government SOEs, when added together, generated a loss in 15 provinces in 2018, mainly in Northeast, Southwest, and Northwestern China, including Henan (-3.57 billion RMB), Guizhou (-3.4 billion RMB), Yunnan (-2.62 billion RMB), Jilin (-2.14 billion RMB), Liaoning (-2.13 billion RMB), Xinjiang (-1.62 billion RMB), Ningxia (-1.59 billion RMB), Gansu (-1.37 billion RMB), Heilongjiang (-1.33 billion RMB), Shanghai (-990 million RMB), Guangxi (-950 million RMB), Sichuan (-910 million RMB), Chongqing (-780 million RMB), Qinghai (-730 million RMB), and Inner Mongolia (-30 million RMB)。The coal-fired power assets, when added together, generated a profit in another 15 provinces in 2018, mainly in East, North and Southern China, including:Shandong (3.55 billion), Jiangsu (3.31 billion), Zhejiang (2.39 billion), Beijing (2.22 billion), Guangdong (2.08 billion), Anhui (1.93 billion), Hubei (1.81 billion), Shaanxi (1.77 billion RMB), Hebei (1.32 billion RMB), Hunan (860 million RMB), Fujian (810 million RMB), Shanxi (610 million RMB), Jiangxi (490 million RMB), Tianjin (220 million RMB), Hainan (40 million RMB)。

2. Objectives and basic principles

(i) Scope。These measures primarily target China Huaneng, China Datang, China Huadian, State Power Investment Corporation, and CHN Energy, but the scope may be expanded to other central government SOE with coal-fired power generation assets, such as SDIC, the China Resources Group, etc.。

(ii) Objectives。Starting in 2019, use circa 3 years to carry out trial measures for the integration of coal-fired power assets of central government SOE in key administrative areas. Through regional integration, optimize resource allocation, eliminate backward production capacity, reduce duplicative competition, ease operational difficulties, and promote healthy and sustainable development of the sector。Strive, by the end of 2021, to significantly improve the composition of production capacity in the trial areas, to continually increase the coordination of coal-fired power, to steadily improve operating efficiency, to reduce coal-fired power generating capacity by one quarter to one third, to significantly increase the average number of full-load hours for each generator, to reduce overall losses by more than 50%, and to significantly reduce debt-to-asset ratios。

(iii) Principles。

1. Adhere to the role of key industry actors。We will give full play to the central role of central enterprises in this regional resource integration and reform and escape from difficulties, and fully mobilize the initiative and creativity of enterprises by establishing fair and just, scientific and reasonable incentive and restraint mechanisms.。

2. Adhere to the role of the law and regulations。Increase awareness of the rule of law, promote the reorganization and replacement of coal-fired power resources and personnel transfer in accordance with laws and regulations, strengthen policy guidance, safeguard the equity of state-owned capital, and prevent the loss of state assets。

3. Adhere to comprehensive planning。Based on full consideration of regional characteristics and the specific situation of the enterprises, carry out the trial in batches at a time, advance the resource integration at a reasonable pace, ensure that trial measure work is progressing steadily, and generate results。


3. Key measures











4. Organizational safeguards





(iv) Strengthen policy support。经国资委批准,各企业对符合条件的划入煤电企业可以开展清产核资;因区域整合造成的资产、效益转移和清理淘汰落后产能造成的重大损失,国资委在业绩考核中适当考虑;对因资产重组对人员安置有重大影响或安置分流力度较大的,国资委在核定工资总额时予以适当考虑;在区域整合试点工作中涉及其他部门的事项,国资委积极子以协调,争取政策支持。

(五) 强化监督约束。国资委将对各企业制定的试点区域工作方案进行审核,并定期跟踪工作进展,加强对煤电资源区域整合试点工作的全过程监督检查,对进展缓慢、效果不佳的企业及时进行约谈提醒,同时,将煤电资源整侣试点工作推进情况作为企业考核. 监督.巡视和评价的重要内容,对工作不力、未完成整合目标的进行严肃处罚和追责。


Original scans of document as circulated on a number of Chinese websites:


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