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Urgent notice on tasks related to PV power generation

Published on: June 19, 2018

Original title: 国家能源局综合司关于做好光伏发电相关工作的紧急通知 国能综通新能〔2018〕93号
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).
“Notice on matters relevant to PV power generation in 2018” referred to in the text (link).

NEA General Affairs New Energy〔2018〕No. 93

National Energy Administration, General Affairs Dept.

Urgent notice on tasks related to PV power generation

To local branch organizations in charge of regulatory energy matters, State Grid Corporation, China Southern Power Grid Company, local power grid enterprises:

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the National Energy Administration jointly issued the “Notice on matters relevant to PV power generation in 2018” (NDRC Energy〔2018〕No. 823, hereinafter referred to as “Notice”)。According to reports, some power grid companies have stopped tasks for grid connection, approval procedures, advance payment of subsidies, etc., for distributed photovoltaic power generation, on the basis of this "Notice"。After investigation, you are hereby notified of the relevant requirements as follows。

1. All local governments and power grid companies should, in accordance with laws and regulations, continue to do a good job with regards to grid connection, approval procedures, advance payment of local government subsidies, etc., for PV power generation projects, and shall not stop projects on the ground that the project has not been included in the quota of projects eligible for subsidies from the national government。

2. All local branch organizations in charge of regulatory energy matters must strengthen supervision of power grid companies, identify issues and timely correct these。

Notice is hereby given。


National Energy Administration, General Affairs Dept.

June 19, 2018


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