13th FYP development plan for biomass energy
Guiding opinions on implementation of “13th FYP” period plans for ‘comprehensive resource utilization’ for crop straw
List of projects receiving renewable electricity feed-in tariffs and other electricity price supplements (sixth batch)
Made in China 2025 – Plan of action for energy equipment: innovation directory
June 12, 2016» more
Made in China 2025 – Plan of action for energy equipment
June 12, 2016» more
Statistical reporting system for renewable energy
April 14, 2016» more
Energy technology innovation plan of action (2016- 2030): techology roadmap
April 7, 2016» more
Energy technology innovation plan of action (2016- 2030)
April 7, 2016» more
Measures for the guaranteed full purchase of renewable electricity
2016 guidelines for energy development work
March 22, 2016» more
Guiding opinions on the establishment of a target setting system for the development and utilization of renewable energy
Launch of final evaluation of plan for comprehensive utilization of crop stalks
December 9, 2015» more
Circular on further accelerating the comprehensive utilization and prohibition of open field burning of crop stalks
November 16, 2015» more
Notice on the launch of a pilot for the local consumption of renewable energy
October 8, 2015» more
Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on further deepening the reform of the electric power system (ZhongFa [2015] No. 9)
Measures for implementing the informatization of renewable energy projects
September 28, 2015» more
2013–2014 National power pricing report
August 18, 2015» more
Zhangjiakou, Hebei Renewable energy demonstration zone development plan
July 28, 2015» more
Guidelines on preparatory work for 13th FYP renewable energy development plans
April 13, 2015» more