Energy-saving products program: directory of promoted highly efficient electric motors (sixth batch) August 28, 2014» more
List of projects receiving renewable electricity feed-in tariffs and other electricity price supplements (fifth batch) 关于公布可再生能源电价附加资金补助目录(第五批)的通知 August 21, 2014» more
Call for national key promoted energy-saving technologies & updating key promoted energy-saving technologies directory batches 1-6 (includes overview of batches 1-6) August 4, 2014» more
Feasibility report preparation and review guidelines for rural power grid upgrading projects July 30, 2014» more
Focus of the work program of the special supervisions for the second half of 2014 July 22, 2014» more
Regulatory Report on stagnation in renewable energy power generation and network connection in Gansu July 18, 2014» more