Energy-saving products program: Implementation details for promoting highly efficient household refrigerators June 4, 2012» more
Energy-saving products program: Implementation details for promoting highly efficient washing machines June 4, 2012» more
Energy-saving products program: Implementation details for promoting highly efficient solar water heaters, heatpumps, and water boilers June 4, 2012» more
Energy-saving products program: Implementation details for promoting highly efficient flat-panel televisions June 1, 2012» more
Energy-saving products program: list of promoted highly efficient air conditioners (fifth batch) June 1, 2012» more
First batch of national demonstration projects for distributed utilization of natural gas June 1, 2012» more
Energy-saving products program: Implementation details for promoting highly efficient air conditioners May 25, 2012» more
Energy-saving products program: Implementation details for promoting highly efficient flat panel televisions May 25, 2012» more
“Top 10,000 enterprises energy-saving & low-carbon action plan”; list of enterprises and energy savings target May 12, 2012» more
Establishment of technical committee for standardization of non-food biomass feedstocks May 10, 2012» more
2012 annual national applied energy technology research and demonstration program (first batch of projects) May 9, 2012» more