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Earth Security group report: Energy infrastructure in China’s Belt & Road Initiative

Published on: October 15, 2017

Original title: 中国 “一带一路” 倡议 中的能源基础设施
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).

The 2017 CEO Briefing for the energy infrastructure industry along China’s Belt & Road Initiative provides a data-driven roadmap for business leaders to align corporate strategies with the sustainable growth imperatives that are most critical to the region. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) highlight a specific set of issues that are material to the commercial imperatives of the energy infrastructure industry. In this brief, we map the critical SDG pressures for energy and infrastructure companies in Central Asia and provide blueprints for action to help companies and investors transform the industry to achieve shared security and prosperity.

The report can be downloaded in English here: (link), or for the Chinese version here: (link).

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