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2017 Q1-3 wind power installations and production by province

Published on: October 31, 2017

Original title: 2017年前三季度风电并网运行情况
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link). Same stats for last year (link).

In the months January to September, nationwide newly installed capacity was 9.7 GW. By the end of September, cumulative installed grid-connected wind power capacity reached 157 GW, a growth of 13% in cumulative capacity at the end of September last year;in the months January to September, total wind power generation was 212.8 TWh, an increase of 26% on the same period last year;average productivity was 1386 full-load hours, an increase of 135 hours;in the months January to September, total wind power curtailment was 29.55 TWh, a decrease of 10.3 TWh compared with same period last year. Wind power curtailment rates were down 6.7 percentage points year on year, realizing a "double reduction" in both total curtailment and curtailment rates。

From January to September, provinces with relatively large additions to installed capacity were Shandong (1140 MW), Qinghai (1090 MW), Hebei (750 MW), Henan (720 MW) and Shanxi (660 MW)。Provinces with relatively high wind power productivity were Yunnan (1897 full-load hours), Sichuan (1761 hours), Chongqing (1755 hours), Shanghai (1633 hours) and Fujian (1610 hours);Provinces with relatively high wind power productivity were Guangdong (1040 full-load hours), Gansu (1068 hours), Hainan (1189 hours) and Henan (1199 hours)。


2017 Q3 Newly installed capacity

[map added by China Energy Portal]


2017 Q1-3 wind power installations and power production

Province New grid-connected capacity (MW) Total grid-connected capacity (MW) Power generation (GWh) Wind power curtailment (GWh) Wind power curtailment rate (%) Full load hours
Total 9,700 157,200 212,800 29,550 1386
Beijing 0 190 200 1284
Tianjin 10 280 400 1570
Hebei 750 11,740 17,700 1,400 7% 1521
Shanxi 660 8,420 10,500 940 8% 1287
Shandong 1,140 9,970 11,500 1267
Inner Mongolia 240 26,330 37,700 5,910 14% 1432
Liaoning 100 7,000 10,700 750 7% 1531
Jilin 0 5,050 6,300 1,480 19% 1246
Heilongjiang 260 5,680 7,600 1,050 12% 1351
Shanghai 0 710 1,200 1633
Jiangsu 650 6,260 8,200 1398
Zhejiang 80 1,310 1,700 1403
Anhui 230 2,050 2,900 1484
Fujian 300 2,390 3,700 1610
Jiangxi 600 1,620 2,100 1361
Henan 720 1,890 2,000 1199
Hubei 420 2,380 3,600 1578
Hunan 300 2,470 3,500 1504
Chongqing 50 330 600 1755
Sichuan 550 1,590 2,500 1761
Shaanxi 560 2,290 2,900 140 4% 1459
Gansu 0 12,770 13,600 6,740 33% 1068
Qinghai 1,090 1,010 1,300 1453
Ningxia 0 9,420 11,300 380 3% 1210
Xinjiang 300 18,060 24,700 10,200 29.30% 1377
Tibet 0 10 0 1165
Guangdong 130 3,300 3,400 1040
Guangxi 290 1,260 1,500 1489
Hainan 0 310 400 1189
Guizhou 100 3,620 4,900 1385
Yunnan 150 7,490 14,200 570 4% 1897

Notes:1. Wind power curtailment and curtailment rates from dispatch data from grid companies, other data as provided by the CEC; 2. Statistics for Shaanxi do not include data from the Shaanxi Regional Electric Power Group Co., Ltd

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