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2018 National renewable power development monitoring and evaluation report

Published on: June 4, 2019

Original title: 国家能源局关于2018年度全国可再生能源电力发展监测评价的通报(国能发新能〔2019〕53号)
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link). Earlier versions of the same report 2017 (link), 2016 (link), 2015 (link).

National Energy Administration

2018 National renewable power development monitoring and evaluation report

NDRC New Energy〔2019〕No. 53


In order to promote the development and utilization of renewable energy, scientifically assess the local development of renewable energy in different, and to ensure the strategic objective of reaching 15% and 20% of non-fossil fuels in national primary energy consumption by 2020, and 2030, respectively。根据《关于建立可再生能源开发利用目标引导制度的指导意见》(国能新能〔2016〕54号)、《关于做好风电、光伏发电全额保障性收购管理工作的通知》(发改能源〔2016〕1150号)和《关于建立健全可再生能源电力消纳保障机制的通知》(发改能源〔2019〕807号),我局委托国家可再生能源中心汇总有关可再生能源电力建设和运行监测数据,形成了《2018年度全国可再生能源电力发展监测评价报告》(以下简称监测评价报告)。


Annex:2018 National renewable power development monitoring and evaluation report

National Energy Administration

June 4, 2019


2018 National renewable power development monitoring and evaluation report

1. National renewable power development - overall situation

By the end of 2018, nationwide renewable power generation capacity was 729 GW, accounting for 38.4% of total installed generation capacity. This was made up of 352 GW of hydropower (including pumped storage), 184 GW wind power, 175 GW PV, and 17.81 MW biomass power generation capacity。Total renewable electricity generation was 1,867,034 GWh, accounting for 26.7% of total generation. Generation of hydropower was 1,232,927 GWh, accounting for 17.6% of total electricity generation; generation of wind power was 365,960 GWh, or 5.2%; generation of PV was 177,547 GWh, or 2.5%; and generation of biomass power was 90,600 GWh, or 1.3% of the total generation。


2. Provincial (autonomous regions, municipalities) renewable electricity consumption

In 2018, realized consumption of all renewable electricity, including hydropower, was 1,815,897 GWh, or 26.5% of total electricity consumption; roughly the same as last year。When considering local production, local consumption, and import of renewable electricity in each province (autonomous region, municipality), the share of renewable energy in local electricity consumption in each province (autonomous region, municipality) was as listed below:

Table 1. 2018 Renewable electricity consumption by province (autonomous region, municipality)

Province (autonomous region, municipality) Renewable electricity consumption (GWh) Renewable electricity consumption (%) Year-on-year increase, percentage points
Beijing 15,075 13.20% 1.1
Tianjin 9,820 11.40% 0.4
Hebei 44,838 12.20% 0.6
Shanxi 35,525 16.40% 2.3
Inner Mongolia 62,434 18.60% -0.6
Liaoning 32,637 14.20% 2
Jilin 18,653 24.90% 2.7
Heilongjiang 18,870 19.40% -0.8
Shanghai 50,323 32.10% -1.2
Jiangsu 90,291 14.70% 0
Zhejiang 82698* 17.80% -1.5
Anhui 31,706 14.90% 0.6
Fujian 43,971 19.00% -5.2
Jiangxi 32,696 22.90% -2.5
Shandong 58,360 9.90% 2.6
Henan 57,839 16.90% 2.3
Hubei 78,792 38.00% -5
Hunan 73,514 42.10% -7.9
Guangdong 207,953 32.90% 0.5
Guangxi 78,333 46.00% -5.6
Hainan 4,428 13.60% 0.3
Chongqing 51,194 45.90% -3.3
Sichuan 201,321 81.90% -1.6
Guizhou 53,722 36.20% 0.6
Yunnan 139,974 83.40% -2.2
Tibet 6,142 89.00% 5.2
Shaanxi 32,411 20.30% 4.3
Gansu 62,451 48.40% 1.5
Qinghai 57,745 78.20% 13.3
Ningxia 26,831 25.20% 2.2
Xinjiang 57,350 26.80% 0.8
Total 1,815,897 26.50% 0



3. Provincial (autonomous regions, municipalities) non-hydro renewable electricity consumption status

In 2018, realized consumption of non-hydro renewable electricity was 631,420 GWh, or 9.2% of total electricity consumption; up 1.2 percentage points on last year。When considering local production, local consumption, and import of renewable electricity in each province (autonomous region, municipality), the share of non-hydro renewable electricity in local electricity consumption in each province (autonomous region, municipality) was as listed in Table 2。

The share of non-hydro renewable electricity consumption was the highest in Ningxia, Qinghai, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, at more than 17% on average;the strongest increases in consumption were seen in the three provinces (autonomous regions) of Hunan, Shaanxi and Tibet, increasing by 3.0 percentage points, 2.9 percentage points and 2.9 percentage points respectively;按照国家发展改革委、国家能源局《关于建立健全可再生能源电力消纳保障机制的通知》(发改能源〔2019〕807号)公布的2020年各省(区、市)非水电可再生能源电力最低消纳责任权重,云南、宁夏、新疆等11个省(区、市)非水电可再生能源消纳比重已达到2020年最低消纳责任权重,江苏、广东、安徽、贵州、山东、内蒙古和广西距离达到2020年最低消纳责任权重不到1个百分点,京津冀、黑龙江、甘肃和青海非水电可再生能源电力消纳比重较2020年最低消纳权重仍有较大差距。


Table 2. 2018 Non-hydro renewable electricity consumption by province (autonomous region, municipality)

Province (autonomous region, municipality) Non-hydro renewable electricity consumption (GWh) Non-hydro renewable electricity consumption (%) Year-on-year increase, percentage points Minimum 2020 consumption quota Fulfillment of minimum 2020 consumption quota (percentage points exceeded)
Yunnan 26,186 15.60% 1.4 11.50% 4.1
Ningxia 23,747 22.30% 1.3 20.00% 2.3
Xinjiang 31,517 14.70% 1.6 11.00% 1.7
Liaoning 26,982 11.70% 2.5 10.50% 1.2
Sichuan 10,770 4.40% 1.1 3.50% 0.9
Jiangxi 12,307 8.60% 2.1 8.00% 0.6
Jilin 12,759 17.00% 0.6 16.50% 0.5
Chongqing 3,259 2.90% 0.5 2.50% 0.4
Shanghai 5,193 3.30% 0.6 3.00% 0.3
Hainan 1,697 5.20% 0.5 5.00% 0.2
Shanxi 31,235 14.50% 2.5 14.50% 0
Jiangsu 42,743 7.00% 1.6 7.50% -0.5
Guangdong 22,108 3.50% 0.3 4.00% -0.5
Anhui 23,582 11.00% 2.2 11.50% -0.5
Guizhou 6,668 4.50% 0.2 5.00% -0.5
Shandong 55,562 9.40% 2.5 10.00% -0.6
Inner Mongolia 57,928 17.30% -1.0 18.00% -0.7
Guangxi 7,135 4.20% 1.2 5.00% -0.8
Fujian 11,444 4.90% 0.4 6.00% -1.1
Henan 32,205 9.40% 1.3 10.50% -1.1
Shaanxi 16,858 10.60% 2.9 12.00% -1.4
Zhejiang 25956* 5.30% 1.1 7.50% -2.2
Hubei 15,576 7.50% 0.7 10.00% -2.5
Hunan 17,786 10.20% 3.0 11.00% -2.8
Beijing 13,342 11.70% 1.3 15.00% -3.3
Hebei 41,531 11.30% 0.9 15.00% -3.7
Tianjin 9,447 11.00% 0.6 15.00% -4
Heilongjiang 15,751 16.20% 0.4 20.50% -4.3
Gansu 17,328 13.40% -0.4 19.00% -5.6
Qinghai 13,653 18.50% 0.0 25.00% -6.5
Tibet 1,697 16.90% 2.9 Not assessed
National 631,420 9.20% 1.2



4. Implementation of the guaranteed purchase of wind and PV electricity generation




表3 2018年风电重点地区最低保障收购年利用小时数落实情况

Province (region) Resource category area Area Guaranteed full-load hours purchased 2018年实际利用小时数 2018年偏差小时数
Inner Mongolia Class I Areas other than Chifeng, Tongliao, Xing'an League, Hulunbeier 2000 2254 254
Class II Chifeng, Tongliao, Xing'an League, Hulunbeier 1900 2250 350
Xinjiang Class I Urumqi, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, Karamay, Shihezi 1900 2357 457
Class III Areas other than Urumqi, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, Karamay, Shihezi 1800 1897 97
Gansu Class II Jiayuguan, Jiuquan 1800 1792 -8
Class III Areas other than Jiayuguan, Jiuquan 1800 1723 -77
Hebei Class II Zhangjiakou 1900 2218 318
Ningxia Class III Ningxia 1850 1888 38
Heilongjiang Class III Jixi, Shuangyashan, Qitaihe, Suihua, Yichun, Daxinganling Area 1900 2224 324
Class IV Heilongjiang: other areas 1850 2121 271
Jilin Class III Baicheng, Songyuan 1800 2019 219
Class IV Jilin: other areas 1800 2321 521
Liaoning Class IV Liaoning 1850 2264 414
Shanxi Class IV Xinzhou, Shuozhou, Datong 1900 2267 367

表4 2018年光伏发电重点地区最低保障收购年利用小时数落实情况

Province (region) Resource category area Area Guaranteed full-load hours purchased 2018年实际利用小时数 2018年偏差小时数
Inner Mongolia Class I Areas other than Chifeng, Tongliao, Xing'an League, Hulunbeier 1500 1649 149
Class II Chifeng, Tongliao, Xing'an League, Hulunbeier 1400 1525 125
Xinjiang Class I Hami, Tacheng, Altay, Karamay 1500 1353 -147
Class II Areas not included in Class I 1350 1217 -133
Gansu Class I Jiayuguan, Wuwei, Zhangye, Jiuquan, Dunhuang, Jinchang 1500 1328 -172
Class II Areas not included in Class I 1400 1200 -200
Qinghai Class I Haixi 1500 1505 5
Class II Areas not included in Class I 1450 1461 11
Ningxia Class I Ningxia 1500 1376 -124
Shaanxi Class II Yulin, Yan'an 1300 1316 16
Heilongjiang Class II Heilongjiang 1300 1311 11
Jilin Class II Jilin 1300 1283 -17
Liaoning Class II Liaoning 1300 1207 -93
Hebei Class II Chengde, Zhangjiakou, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao 1400 1372 -28
Shanxi Class II Xinzhou, Shuozhou, Datong 1400 1355 -45

5. Achievement of clean energy consumption targets


表5 2018年清洁能源消纳目标完成情况

2018 Consumption target 2018年实际完成情况
Utilization rate Curtailment rate Utilization rate Curtailment rate
1. Wind power
National 88% 12% 93.0% 7.0%
Xinjiang 75% 25% 77.1% 22.9%
Gansu 77% 23% 81.0% 19.0%
Heilongjiang 90% 10% 95.6% 4.4%
Inner Mongolia 88% 12% 90.0% 10.0%
Jilin 85% 15% 93.1% 6.9%
Hebei 94% 6% 94.8% 5.2%
2. PV
National 95% 5% 97.0% 3.0%
Xinjiang 85% 15% 84.5% 15.5%
Gansu 90% 10% 90.2% 9.8%
3. Hydropower
National 95% 95%
Sichuan 90% 87%
Yunnan 90% 94%
Guangxi 95% 100%


6. Transmission of renewable energy on UHV lines


表6 2018年特高压线路输送电量情况

No. Transmission line name Annual throughput (GWh) Renewable energy (GWh) Share of renewable energy Year-on-year increase in share
1 长南荆特高压 6,360 2,900 45.60% 10.8
2 榆横至潍坊特高压 3,800 0 0.00% /
3 锡盟送山东 2,920 0 0.00% 0
4 Anhui to East line 67,740 0 0.00% 0
5 浙福特高压 6,940 0 0.00% 0
6 蒙西-天津南 7,890 0 0.00% 0
7 Fulong - Fengxian DC 30,700 29,790 97.00% 1.9
8 Ximeng - Jiangsu DC 38,730 36,920 95.30% 4.1
9 Tianzhong DC 32,480 15,830 48.70% -6.3
10 Binjin DC 31,620 31,410 99.30% 0.7
11 Lingshao DC 37,780 8,450 22.40% -5.3
12 祁韶直流 17,730 8,330 47.00% /
11 雁淮直流 18,030 900 5.00% /
14 锡泰直流 5,620 40 0.70% /
15 昭沂直流 1,380 190 13.90% /
16 鲁固直流 15,030 4,750 31.60% /
17 Jiquan DC 4,760 110 2.30% /
18 Chusui DC 25,440 25,440 100.00% 0
19 Puqiao DC 25,250 25,250 100.00% 0
20 Xindong DC 18,100 18,100 100.00% 0
National 398,270 208,390 52.30% /



7. Implementation status of the national clean energy demonstration provinces (regions)






Annex:Renewable power development monitoring indicators and calculation method



Renewable power development monitoring indicators and calculation method

1. The provincial (regional, city-level) renewable electricity consumption includes the local ​​renewable power generation, with inter-provincial imports of renewable electricity added, and inter-provincial exports of renewable electricity subtracted。

Renewable electricity consumption within the province (autonomous region, municipality) = local ​​renewable electricity generation - inter-provincial exports of renewable electricity + inter-provincial imports of renewable electricity

2. The provincial (regional, directly-controlled municipality-level) share of renewable electricity is equal to the provincial (regional, city-level) renewable electricity consumption divided by total electricity consumption in the respective locality。

3. The provincial (regional, directly-controlled municipality-level) total electricity consumption and renewable electricity production, will be determined on the basis of statistics on the power industry published by the National Bureau of Statistics and information mechanisms recognized by the national government 。

4. Inter-provincial and inter-regional volumes of renewable electricity traded, will be determined on the basis of statistics provided by the State Grid Corporation, China Southern Power Grid Company and the Inner Mongolia Electric Power Company。









5. In inter-provincial or inter-regional renewable power trading, there are two possible cases; "province to province", and "province to region"。In the case of "province to region", for example when East or Central China accepts renewable electricity input from provinces outside of the region, the import of renewable electricity into each province within the region will be calculated using the proportion of total electricity consumption of each province as a share of the regional grids total electricity consumption。That is:

    \[\small Imported\,electricity\,into\,province\,(autonomous\,region,\,city) _{i}\,=\]

    \[\,\\ \small imported\,renewable\,electricity\times\left(\frac{total\,electricity\,consumption\,in\,province\,(autonomous\,region,\,city) _{i}}{\sum_{i=1}^n total\,electricity\,consumption\,in\,province\,(autonomous\,region,\,city)_{i}}\right)\]


6. The Jing-Jin-Ji power grid (Beijing, Tianjin, North Hebei, South Hebei grid) is a special area. For the purposes of calculating the share of non-hydro renewable electricity in total electricity consumption, non-hydro renewable electricity from centralized projects and from inter-provincial imports are shared uniformly, whilst non-hydro renewable electricity generation from distributed projects within each area is counted towards the respective area。

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