Approval for pilot programs on local consumption of renewable energy in Gansu, Inner Mongolia & Jilin April 5, 2016» more
Measures for the guaranteed full purchase of renewable electricity 可再生能源发电全额保障性收购管理办法 March 23, 2016» more
Guiding opinions on the establishment of a target setting system for the development and utilization of renewable energy 关于建立可再生能源开发利用目标引导制度的指导意见 February 29, 2016» more
Circular on improving the onshore wind & PV benchmark feed-in tariff policy 关于完善陆上风电光伏发电上网标杆电价政策的通知 December 22, 2015» more
Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on further deepening the reform of the electric power system (ZhongFa [2015] No. 9) 关于进一步深化电力体制改革的若干意见 October 3, 2015» more
Announcement of 2015 specific list of energy innovation and energy equipment projects June 30, 2015» more