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List of projects receiving renewable electricity feed-in tariffs and other electricity price supplements (seventh batch) Annex 2

Published on: June 11, 2018

Original title: 关于公布可再生能源电价附加资金补助目录(第七批)的通知
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link).

MOF [2018] No. 250

To the Finance Department (Bureau), Development and Reform Commission, Energy Administration, Pricing bureau of relevant provinces, autonomous regions, and directly-controlled municipalities, State Grid Corporation, China Southern Power Grid Corporation, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Power Corporation:

On the basis of requirements from the "Interim measures for the administration of the funds for renewable electricity price subsidies (MOF [2012] No. 102)" and the "Circular on issues related to the implementation of the allocation of electricity tariffs on the basis of power generated by distributed photovoltaic power (MOF [2013] No. 390)", the Ministry of Finance, National Development and Reform Commission, and National Energy Administration have included eligible projects in the directory of renewable electricity tariff subsidies, and have announced these on the website of the Ministry of Finance。The relevant matters are explained below:

1. Projects already receiving feed-in tariff from the national government support policy for agricultural and forestry industry residue-based biomass power generation, MSW incineration or biogas power generation, as well as power generation projects that co-fire coal and biomass such as agricultural and forestry industry residue-based biomass power generation or MSW, will not be included in the Directory of renewable electricity tariff subsidies from the national renewable energy fund. For these projects local governments are asked to implement relevant policy measures, and resolve issues with subsidy funds。

2. On the basis of the 22nd article of the "Renewable Energy Law", that "Access cost and other relevant expenses reasonably incurred to an electricity grid enterprise due to its purchase of electricity generated by using renewable energy may be reckoned in its electricity transmission cost and be recoverable from the sales price of electricity", grid-connection projects for renewable power generation projects that have already or have not yet been included in the Directory of renewable electricity tariff subsidies from the national renewable energy fund, subsidies are no longer provided through the national renewable energy fund, and relevant subsidies can be recovered from surcharges included in the province's transmission and distribution price, and have been considered when the National Development and Reform Commission determined these transmission and distribution prices。

3. For projects included in the subsidy directory, where “project name”, “project company”, “project capacity”, “line length”, etc. change or do not match the reality, it is necessary to apply for changes with the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the National Energy Administration in a timely manner. After approval, you can continue to receive the electricity price subsidies。

Ministry of Finance, National Development and Reform Commission, National Energy Administration

June 11, 2018

Download attachment:Annex1_Directory of renewable electricity tariff subsidies from the national renewable energy fund (renewable power generation projects).xlsx
Annex2_Directory of renewable electricity tariff subsidies from the national renewable energy fund (Public standalone system projects).xlsx
Annex3_Directory of renewable electricity tariff subsidies from the national renewable energy fund (distributed photovoltaic power generation projects owned by natural persons).xlsx
Annex4_Table with corrections to the directory of renewable electricity tariff subsidies from the national renewable energy fund (renewable power generation projects).xlsx

Links to separate posts for individual Annexes:

Annex 1 (link)

Annex 2 (link)

Annex 3 (link)

Annex 4 (link)

Annex 2

Directory of renewable electricity tariff subsidies from the national renewable energy fund (Public standalone system projects)

Project type Project number Project code Project name Project company Project size (MW)
1. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
Solar power 1 IPE1409652702001 龙源博州无电地区独立光伏供电工程 龙源阿拉山口风力发电有限公司 0.27056
Solar power 2 IPE1412654224001 龙源塔城地区无电地区独立光伏供电工程 龙源托里风力发电有限公司 4.82524


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