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Notice of the first batch of companies to be transferred under the regional integration of central government SOE in the coal fired power sector

Published on: May 27, 2020

Original title: 国资委办公室关于印发中央企业煤电资源区域整合第一批试点首批划转企业名单的通知
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link); the policy introducing the regional integration measure (link).


NB: the below document text is the product of character recognition software used on the original scanned documents (attached at the end). This text has been checked and polished, but errors may remain. The individual project names in the table have not been thoroughly checked.

State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council

Notice of SASAC on the first batch of companies to be transferred under the regional integration of central government SOE in the coal fired power sector

To China Huaneng, China Datang, China Huadian, State Power Investment Corporation, CHN Energy Group:

in accordance with the "Trial measures for the regional integration of central government State Owned Enterprises in the coal fired power sector", each group has submitted a list of names of companies to be include in the first batch of coal-fired power plants to be included in the regional integration。

At present, unanimous agreement has been reached on the integration of 48 coal-fired power companies (or projects) in the five pilot regions of Gansu, Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Qinghai, and Ningxia, of which:transfer of 40 power plants (38 plants to be transferred prior to 30 June 2020, and 2 plants to be transferred within one year after the completion of the power generation project), as well as 8 power plants that will temporarily not be transferred (5 integrated coal mining and power generation projects, 2 auto-producer power plants, 1 power plant where a transferal of shares has been agreed upon and signed)。The lists of 40 companies included, and 8 companies temporarily not transferred in the first batch of regional integration of central government SOE in the coal fired power sector is hereby issued to you. You are hereby requested to take note of this circular and carry out the transfer work。


List of 40 companies included in the first batch to be transferred under the regional integration of central government SOE in the coal fired power sector

No. Company name Installed capacity (MW) Transferring group Receiving group Transfer date
1 Gansu
1 大唐钴肃发电苻限公司录泰发电厂 1320 China Datang China Huaneng Prior to June 30, 2020
2 大唐甘肃发电存限公司甘谷发电厂 660 China Datang China Huaneng Prior to June 30, 2020
3 兰州西固热电有限贵任公司 355 China Datang China Huaneng Prior to June 30, 2020
4 大唐甘肃发电有限公司西固热电厂 660 China Datang China Huaneng Prior to June 30, 2020
5 大唐甘肃发电行阳公司八0三热电厂 660 China Datang China Huaneng Prior to June 30, 2020
6 甘肃大讲闽际连城发电有限贵任公司 660 China Datang China Huaneng Prior to June 30, 2020
7 甘肃华电天水热电项目《前期〉 700 China Huadian China Huaneng Prior to June 30, 2020
8 甘肃华电庆阳火电项目《前期〉 2000 China Huadian China Huaneng Prior to June 30, 2020
9 国家电投兰州新区2X350MW热电联产项目 700 State Power Investment Corporation China Huaneng Prior to June 30, 2020
10 甘肃淸水火电項目(前期〉 2000 State Power Investment Corporation China Huaneng Prior to June 30, 2020
11 国电电力的泉发电有限公司 660 CHN Energy China Huaneng Prior to June 30, 2020
12 国电兰州热电有限贵任公司 700 CHN Energy China Huaneng Prior to June 30, 2020
11 国电甘肃电力有阳公司兰州范坪热电厂 660 CHN Energy China Huaneng Prior to June 30, 2020
14 国电靖远发电有阳公司 880 CHN Energy China Huaneng Prior to June 30, 2020
2 Shaanxi
15 华能陕西秦岭发电有限公司 1320 China Huaneng China Datang Prior to June 30, 2020
16 华能陕西渭南热电存限公司 700 China Huaneng China Datang Prior to June 30, 2020
17 华能延安发电有限公司 1320 China Huaneng China Datang Prior to June 30, 2020
18 陕西华电蒲城发电冇限贵任公司 1320 China Huadian China Datang Prior to June 30, 2020
19 陕西华电发电有阳贵任公司 1320 China Huadian China Datang Prior to June 30, 2020
20 陕西华电瑶池发电有限公司 400 China Huadian China Datang Prior to June 30, 2020
21 陕西华电杨凌热电有限公司 700 China Huadian China Datang Prior to June 30, 2020
22 陕西旬岜煤电一体化项目(舫期》 2000 State Power Investment Corporation China Datang Prior to June 30, 2020
3 Xinjiang
23 华能新疆康热电有限责任公司 270 China Huaneng China Huadian Prior to June 30, 2020
24 华能新糴能源幵发有限公司堪什店发电厂 250 China Huaneng China Huadian Prior to June 30, 2020
25 中能新纒能源幵发有限公司轮台热电分公司 700 China Huaneng China Huadian Prior to June 30, 2020
26 大唐新糴发电冇限公司吉木萨尔分公司 700 China Datang China Huadian Prior to June 30, 2020
27 国家电投麟0艴灣化工集闭并隈公用吒苏热电可 660 State Power Investment Corporation China Huadian Prior to June 30, 2020
28 国家电投集闭沙湾枰蕙能源打限公司 47 State Power Investment Corporation China Huadian Within one year after the completion of the power generation project
29 伊宁市智蕙能源存限公司 47 State Power Investment Corporation China Huadian Within one year after the completion of the power generation project
30 国电新糴红驩池发电有限公司 660 CHN Energy China Huadian Prior to June 30, 2020
31 国电味车发电存限公司 660 CHN Energy China Huadian Prior to June 30, 2020
32 国电克拉玛依发电II限公司 700 CHN Energy China Huadian Prior to June 30, 2020
33 国网婕源新钃^康发电妨限公司 300 CHN Energy China Huadian Prior to June 30, 2020
34 神华神东电力新韁米东热电厂 600 CHN Energy China Huadian Prior to June 30, 2020
35 国网能源伊聚煤电冇限公司 700 CHN Energy China Huadian Prior to June 30, 2020
4 Qinghai
36 华能西宁热电打阳贵任公司 700 China Huaneng State Power Investment Corporation Prior to June 30, 2020
37 青海华电大通发电有限公司 600 China Huadian State Power Investment Corporation Prior to June 30, 2020
5 Ningxia
38 华能宁夏大坝发电冇限责任公司 1320 China Huaneng CHN Energy Prior to June 30, 2020
39 华能宁夏大坝电厂四期发电有限公司 1320 China Huaneng CHN Energy Prior to June 30, 2020
40 国家电投集闭宁夏餘濰炤业中卫热电有限公司 700 State Power Investment Corporation CHN Energy Prior to June 30, 2020


List of 8 companies that will temporarily not be transferred included in the first batch of companies for regional integration of central government SOE in the coal fired power sector

No. Company name Location (province) Owner (group) Notes
1 华能钢川照金煤电有限公司 Shaanxi China Huaneng Integrated coal mining and power generation project
2 陕西平电榆横煤电有阳公司榆攢发电厂 Shaanxi China Huaneng Integrated coal mining and power generation project
3 华能新疆吉木萨尔发电存阳公司 Xinjiang China Huaneng Transferal of shares has been agreed upon and signed
4 3网能典哈密煤电有限公司 Xinjiang CHN Energy Integrated coal mining and power generation project
5 国网能源和丰煤电有限公司 Xinjiang CHN Energy Integrated coal mining and power generation project
6 神华3能哈密电厂 Xinjiang CHN Energy Integrated coal mining and power generation project
7 青铜峡铝业发电有限贵任公司 Ningxia State Power Investment Corporation Auto-producer power plant
8 ㈤家电投集闭宁夏能源铅业行限公司略河发电分公司 Ningxia State Power Investment Corporation Auto-producer power plant



Original document scans as posted on sxcoal:


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