Establishment and use of a national demand side management platform for electricity (part 1) April 8, 2014» more
Specification and rating of standardized production safety criteria in Electric power engineering and design & Power construction industries April 4, 2014» more
Call for resource conservation and environmental protection projects to the allocation of central government investment budget March 31, 2014» more
2014 tasks on improving the coal industry, eliminating backward production capacity March 27, 2014» more
Guidelines on establishing a stepped pricing system for household use of natural gas March 20, 2014» more
Supervision on connection to the grid of newly constructed power plants — Interim measures February 28, 2014» more
Administrative measures on compliance with safety standards by small power plants February 26, 2014» more
Organization of the second batch of the comprehensive utilization of resources “Double Hundred Project” February 26, 2014» more