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2016 PV installations utility and distributed by province

Published on: February 4, 2017

Original title: 2016年光伏发电统计信息
Links: Original CN (link). Same statistics for: (2018) (2017) (2016) (2015) (2014) (2013) (2012).

By the end of 2016, China added 34.54 GW of newly installed PV capacity, with cumulative installed capacity reaching 77.42 GW, both newly and cumulative installed capacity were the highest worldwide。Of this, total installed capacity of PV power plants was 67.1 GW, and 10.32 GW of distributed capacity。Annual electricity generation was 66.2 TWh, accounting for 1% of total annual electricity generation in China。

PV development shifted to central and eastern regions。Of the newly installed PV capacity, 9.74 GW was in the Northwest, accounting for 28% of the nationwide newly installed capacity;Outside of the Northwest, new installations were 24.8 GW, accounting for 72% of national installations;In the central and eastern regions there were nine provinces that added more than 1 GW, with 3.22 GW in Shandong, 2.44 GW in Henan, 2.25 GW in Anhui, 2.03 GW in Hebei, 1.85 GW in Jiangxi, 1.83 GW in Shanxi, 1.75 GW in Zhejiang, 1.38 GW in Hubei, and 1.23 GW in Jiangsu。

The development of distributed PV accelerated in 2016, with newly installed capacity of 4.24 GW, an increase of more than 200% compared with new capacity added in 2015。Distributed PV saw a relatively large increase in central and eastern regions, with the top five provinces in newly added installations being Zhejiang (860 MW), Shandong (750 MW), Jiangsu (530 MW), Anhui (460 MW) and Jiangxi (310 MW)。

Annex:2016 Solar PV statistics


2016 Solar PV statistics

Province (autonomous region, municipality) Cumulative installed capacity (MW) Of which:utility scale PV plants Newly installed capacity (MW) Of which:utility scale PV plants
Total 77,420 67,100 34,540 30,310
Beijing 240 50 80 30
Tianjin 600 480 470 440
Hebei 4,430 4,040 2,030 1,920
Shanxi 2,970 2,840 1,830 1,720
Inner Mongolia 6,370 6,370 1480* 1,660
Liaoning 520 360 360 290
Jilin 560 510 490 450
Heilongjiang 170 120 150 110
Shanghai 350 20 140 0
Jiangsu 5,460 3,730 1,230 700
Zhejiang 3,380 1,310 1,750 880
Anhui 3,450 2,670 2,250 1,780
Fujian 270 110 120 80
Jiangxi 2,280 1,710 1,850 1,540
Shandong 4,550 3,360 3,220 2,470
Henan 2,840 2,480 2,440 2,340
Hubei 1,870 1,670 1,380 1,240
Hunan 300 0 10 0
Guangdong 1,560 680 920 610
Guangxi 180 90 60 40
Hainan 340 240 100 50
Chongqing 5 0 0 0
Sichuan 960 900 600 570
Guizhou 460 460 430 430
Yunnan 2,080 2,080 1,440 1,450
Tibet 330 330 160 160
Shaanxi 3,340 3,220 2,170 2,100
Gansu 6,860 6,800 760 740
Qinghai 6,820 6,820 1,190 1,180
Ningxia 5,260 5,050 2,170 1,990
Xinjiang 8,620 8,620 3290* 3,330

*Note:2015 statistics on distributed generation capacity for Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang had errors of 180 and 40 MW. This has been corrected in this table, making total newly installed capacity for 2016 lower than the reported newly installed capacity for PV power plants for these provinces。

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