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2018 Q1&2 PV installations utility and distributed by province

Published on: August 3, 2018

Original title: 2018年上半年光伏建设运行情况
Links: Source document (in Chinese) (link). Same statistics for (2018 Q1&2) (2017 Q1&2) (2016 Q1&2) (2015 Q1&2).

In H1 2018, newly installed PV capacity in China was 24,306 MW, essentially the same as in the same period last year. Of this, utility scale PV power plant installations were 12,062 MW, down 30% on the same period last year;installations of distributed PV were 12,244 MW, an increase of 72% YoY。

By the end of June 2018, nationwide PV generation capacity reached 154.51 GW, of which 112.6 GW of utility scale PV power plants, and 41.90 GW distributed PV。PV power generation in the first half of 2018 was 82.39 TWh, an increase of 59% YoY;the curtailment rate was 3.6%, down 3.2 percentage points YoY。curtailment occurred mainly in Xinjiang and Gansu. In Xinjiang (excluding XPCC) curtailment of PV was 1350 GWh, a curtailment rate of 20%, down 6.1 percentage points YoY;In Gansu curtailment of PV was 590 GWh, a curtailment rate of 11%, down 11 percentage points YoY。

Regarding the distribution of the newly installed capacity: North China added 6,116 MW, an increase of 47% YoY, and accounting for 25.2% of nationwide installations;Northeast China added 2,064 MW, down 4% YoY, and accounting for 8.5% of nationwide installations;East China added 6,218 MW, down 25% YoY, and accounting for 25.6% of nationwide installations;Central China added 3,878 MW, down 8% YoY, and accounting for 15.9% of nationwide installations;Northwest China added 4,120 MW, down 1% YoY, and accounting for 17.0% of nationwide installations;Southern China added 1,918 MW, an increase of 33% YoY, and accounting for 7.9% of nationwide installations。The development of distributed PV continued to maintain rapid growth. Over the first half of 2018, with newly installed capacity exceeding 1,000 MW in the four provinces of Shandong, Zhejiang, Henan and Jiangsu, which together accounted for 52.6% of nationwide installations of distributed PV。

Annex:For detailed construction and operational statistics of PV by province (autonomous region, municipality) during the first half of 2018, see the attached table


National PV construction & operational statistics for H1 2018

Province (autonomous region, municipality) Cumulative installed capacity (MW) Newly installed capacity (MW)
Of which:utility scale PV plants Of which:utility scale PV plants
Total 154,510 112,600 24,310 12,060
Beijing 310 50 60 0
Tianjin 1,010 790 330 260
Hebei 10,700 7,650 2,020 1,040
Shanxi 7,080 5,970 1,170 670
Inner Mongolia 8,480 8,390 1,050 980
Liaoning 2,590 1,900 360 60
Jilin 1,980 1,410 390 330
Heilongjiang 1,750 1,350 810 640
Shanghai 770 40 190 20
Jiangsu 11,470 6,740 2,400 910
Zhejiang 9,930 3,300 1,790 150
Anhui 10,410 6,360 1,530 710
Fujian 1,230 360 310 20
Jiangxi 4,930 2,860 430 90
Shandong 12,510 6,070 1,990 270
Henan 9,180 5,850 2,150 550
Hubei 4,610 3,170 470 130
Hunan 2,260 1,010 500 160
Guangdong 4,200 2,140 890 210
Guangxi 930 740 240 100
Hainan 460 330 140 70
Chongqing 420 390 290 280
Sichuan 1,380 1,280 40 20
Guizhou 1,620 1,560 250 210
Yunnan 2,730 2,620 400 330
Tibet 840 840 50 50
Shaanxi 5,930 5,270 690 510
Gansu 7,860 7,660 20 0
Qinghai 9,500 9,410 1,590 1,560
Ningxia 7,710 7,370 1,510 1,490
Xinjiang 9,350 9,340 270 260
XPCC 390 390 0 0

Note:1. The above statistics do not include Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan;

2. Data source:National Renewable Energy Center。

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