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2007 & 2006 detailed electricity statistics

Published on: August 14, 2008

Original title: 中电联发布2007年电力工业统计数据
Links: Original CN (link). Same statistics for (2019) (2018) (2017) (2016) (2015) (2014) (2013) (2012) (2011) (2010) (2009) (2008) (2007) (2006).

中国电力企业联合会讯 2007年电力工业统计年报核算工作已于2008年7月底正式完成。近日,中电联秘书长、新闻发言人王永干正式签署发布2007年电力工业统计数据。统计数据总结概括如下:   


截至2007年底,全国发电设备容量达到71822万千瓦,同比增长15.15%;其中水电、火电、核电和风电分别为14823.21、55607.42、884.6、419.89万千瓦,水、火电设备容量同比分别增长13.77、14.93%。 全国全年全口径发电量完成32644亿千瓦时,同比增长14.55%,其中水电、火电分别为4713.54和27206.59亿千瓦时,同比增长13.64%和14.6%。全国全年发电设备利用小时为5020小时,同比下降178小时,其中火电为5344小时,下降268小时。

截至2007年底,全国共有35千伏及以上公用变压器容量242443万千伏安,输电线路回路长度1106345千米,同比分别增长了15.31%和7.46%,其中500千伏电压等级输电线路长度和变电容量同比分别增长了25.27%和37.85%。 全国全年全社会消费量达到32565亿千瓦时,同比增长14.80%;其中第一、二、三产业和城乡居民用电量分别同比增长3.83%、15.99%、12.85%和11.37%;工业用电量增长15.99%。


2007年,全国发电厂发电和供热生产消耗原煤14.38亿吨,同比增加1.24亿吨。全国6000千瓦以上电厂厂用电率下降0.10个百分点,为5.83%,供电标准煤耗下降11克/千瓦时,为356克/千瓦时。全国全年电力企业供电线损下降0.07个百分点,为6.97%。 2007年,我国电力工业在生产、基建投资和节能降耗等方面取得了丰硕的成果,同时也表现出了一些新的良好的发展趋势:电力生产、投资结构在不断优化,电力生产的能源转换效率在逐步提高,电力消费弹性系数在明显下降,电力消费能源占一次能源的比重有较大提升等,这些方面都充分证明电力工业认真贯彻落实科学发展观,努力走上一条又好又快的科学发展之路。 作为统计数据成果,中电联编写完成了《2007年电力工业统计资料汇编》和《中国电力工业统计数据分析(2007)》,分别从当年数据资料和近几年电力发展规律两个不同方面反映电力工业的基本情况。


Unit 2006 2007 YoY change (±,%)
1。Installed generation capacity MW 623,698 718,217 15.15
Hydro power MW 130,292 148,232 13.77
Thermal power MW 483,822 556,074 14.93
Nuclear power MW 6,846 8,846 29.21
Wind power MW 2,073 4,199 102.6
2。Units shut down MW 4,420 23,365 428.65
Hydro power MW 738 2,922 296.03
Thermal power MW 3,678 20,439 455.66
3。Newly installed generation capacity MW 104,240 101,900 -2.24
Hydro power MW 11,000 13,070 18.77
Thermal power MW 92,070 83,600 -9.2
Nuclear power MW 2,000
Wind power MW 1,100 3,040 177.17
4。Newly added transmission line length, 110 kV and above km 51,781 62,030 19.79
500 kV km 14,895 15,329 2.91
330 kV km 1,533 2,033 32.62
220 kV km 17,983 24,012 33.53
110 kV km 17,370 20,656 18.92
5。Newly added substation capacity, 110 kV and above MVA 201,960 249,940 23.76
Of which: 500 kV MVA 58,680 80,050 36.42
330 kV MVA 9,480 8,460 -10.76
220 kV MVA 84,150 98,790 17.4
110 kV MVA 49,680 62,640 26.1
6。Single units of 6 MW and above Unit 8,240 8,215 -25
MW 551,068 630,919 14.49
Hydro power Unit 1,936 2,144 208
MW 96,456 109,931 13.97
Thermal power Unit 6,243 6,011 -232
MW 447,116 513,542 14.86
Average generator unit capacity MW/unit 66.9 76.8 0.99
7。35 kV and above transmission line length km 1,029,497 1,106,345 7.46
Of which: 750 kV km 141 141
500 kV km 77,092 96,574 25.27
330 kV km 13,762 15,493 12.58
220 kV km 195,392 216,159 10.63
110 kV km 355,517 376,752 5.97
35 kV km 387,593 401,226 3.52
8。35 kV and above substation capacity MVA 2,102,600 2,424,430 15.31
Of which: 750 kV MVA 3,000 3,000
500 kV MVA 303,100 417,810 37.85
330 kV MVA 31,280 39,510 26.32
220 kV MVA 667,680 769,510 15.25
110 kV MVA 810,260 886,580 9.42
35 kV MVA 287,280 308,020 7.22
9。Electric power investment Million RMB 528,819 567,727 7.36
Power generation projects investment Million RMB 319,534 322,637 0.97
Power grid projects investment Million RMB 209,285 245,091 17.11
10。Power production GWh 2,849,855 3,264,397 14.55
Hydro power GWh 414,769 471,354 13.64
Thermal power GWh 2,374,146 2,720,659 14.6
Nuclear power GWh 54,844 62,863 14.62
11。Heat supply from thermal power plants 6 MW and above TJ 2,275,658 2,596,514 14.1
12。Coal consumption, net, (as standard coal equivalent) in power plants 6 MW and above g/kWh 367 356 -11
13。Coal consumption, gross, (as standard coal equivalent) in power plants 6 MW and above g/kWh 342 332 -10
14。Power plant own consumption, plants 6 MW and above % 5.93 5.83 -0.1
Hydro power % 0.43 0.42 -0.01
Thermal power % 6.77 6.62 -0.15
15。Productivity, as full-load hours, for plants 6 MW and above hours 5,198 5,020 -178
Hydro power hours 3,393 3,520 127
Thermal power hours 5,612 5,344 -268
16。Electricity supply GWh 2,466,341 2,843,190 15.28
Electricity consumption GWh 2,292,686 2,644,993 15.37
Transmission losses GWh 173,655 198,198 14.13
Transmission loss rate % 7.04 6.97 -0.07
17。Total power cons. GWh 2,836,788 3,256,532 14.8
A. Industrial power consumption GWh 2,512,793 2,895,703 15.24
Primary industry GWh 83,163 86,344 3.83
Secondary industry GWh 2,147,418 2,490,897 15.99
Of which:Industry GWh 2,120,554 2,459,644 15.99
----1. Light industry GWh 410,119 446,671 8.91
----2. Heavy industry GWh 1,710,434 2,012,972 17.69
Tertiary industry GWh 282,211 318,462 12.85
B. Residential electricity consumption GWh 323,996 360,829 11.37
18。Fuel consumption, power plants 6 MW and above
Standard coal eq. consumption for electric power production kt 792,736 874,944 10.37
Raw coal consumed for electric power production kt 1,182,411 1,288,116 8.94
Fuel oil consumed for electric power production kt 9,937 8,133 -18.15
Natural gas consumed for electric power production Million cubic meter 71,392 81,600 14.3
Standard coal eq. consumption for heat production kt 91,744 105,163 14.63
Raw coal consumed for heat production kt 131,574 149,094 13.32
Fuel oil consumed for heat production kt 767 726 -5.23
Natural gas consumed for heat production Million cubic meter 20,031 15,607 -22.08
19。Power plant conversion efficiency (plants 6 MW and above)
Power generation efficiency % 36.63 38.11 1.48
Heat generation efficiency % 84.63 84.25 -0.38
Overall conversion efficiency % 40.64 42.05 1.41
20。Ratio of capacity of generation : consumption
Total generation capacity:Total capacity of power consuming equipment 1∶3.04 1∶3.11
21。Elasticities of power supply and demand
Elasticity of power supply 1.27 1.22
Elasticity of power demand 1.28 1.24
22。Energy consumption for electricity production, as a percentage of primary energy consumption % 43.1 44.12
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