Energy-saving products program: list of promoted highly efficient air conditioners (7th batch) September 12, 2012» more
Energy-saving products program: directory of promoted highly efficient heat pumps (second batch) September 12, 2012» more
Energy-saving products program: directory of promoted highly efficient gas-fired household boilers (second batch) September 12, 2012» more
Energy-saving products program: list of promoted highly efficient washing machines (second batch) September 12, 2012» more
Energy-saving products program: list of promoted highly efficient household refrigerators (second batch) September 12, 2012» more
Provision for performance testing of comprehensive upgrading and retrofitting of coal-fired plants August 31, 2012» more
288 new energy industry standards — PV Power station environmental impact assessment, wind, biomass, others August 23, 2012» more
Energy-saving products program: list of promoted highly efficient flatpanel televisions (second batch) August 19, 2012» more
Call for proposals 2012 National applied energy technology research and demonstration projects August 17, 2012» more
Circular on further strengthening top 10,000 enterprises reporting of energy use August 14, 2012» more
Establishment of Technical Committee for standardization of emergency power systems August 8, 2012» more
Nuclear safety and nuclear energy-related industry standards management — Interim measures July 25, 2012» more