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2020 Q2 wind power installations and production by province

Published on: July 31, 2020

Original title: 2020年上半年风电并网运行情况
Links: Original source (in Chinese) (link). Same statistics for Same stats for (2019) (2018) (2017) (2016)

2019 H1 wind power installations and production by province。

According to industry statistics, in the first half of 2020, China's newly installed wind power capacity was 6.32 GW, of which 5.26 onshore and 1.06 offshore wind power。By the end of June, cumulative installed wind power capacity 217 GW, including 210 GW onshore and 6.99 GW of offshore wind power。Newly installations were mainly concentrated in the five provinces of Shanxi, Hebei, Xinjiang, Shandong and Ningxia, with 710 MW, 650 MW, 500 MW, 490 MW and 400 MW respectively。

Wind power generation in the first half of the year was 237.9 TWh, a year-on-year increase of 10.9%;Average productivity of wind power nationwide was 1123 full-load hours. Areas with relatively high productivity were Yunnan (1736 hours), Sichuan (1488 hours) and Guangxi (1414 hours)。

2019 H1 wind power installations and production by province

Province (autonomous region, municipality) Newly installed grid-connected generation capacity (MW) Cumulative grid-connected generation capacity (MW) Electricity production (GWh) Full-load hours
National 6,700 216,750 237,900 1123
Beijing 0 190 200 1082
Tianjin 10 610 660 1102
Hebei 260 16,650 19,100 1158
Shanxi 630 13,140 12,880 998
Inner Mongolia 260 30,330 36,040 1232
Liaoning 240 8,560 10,770 1278
Jilin 0 5,570 6,670 1196
Heilongjiang 50 6,160 6,860 1120
Shanghai 0 810 980 1185
Jiangsu 690 11,100 12,670 1188
Zhejiang 130 1,730 1,620 983
Anhui 130 2,870 3,000 1050
Fujian 340 4,100 4,690 1180
Jiangxi 190 3,050 3,350 1159
Shandong 500 14,040 14,900 1093
Henan 300 8,240 7,210 893
Hubei 140 4,190 4,130 998
Hunan 400 4,670 4,540 1029
Guangdong 350 4,780 4,390 919
Guangxi 580 3,450 4,690 1414
Hainan 0 290 260 882
Chongqing 0 640 570 907
Sichuan 20 3,270 4,850 1488
Guizhou 140 4,710 5,100 1130
Yunnan 150 8,780 15,240 1736
Tibet 2 10 10 1054
Shaanxi 100 5,420 4,850 1005
Gansu 150 13,120 13,010 1007
Qinghai 250 4,870 3,870 802
Ningxia 400 11,560 9,700 857
Xinjiang 300 19,860 21,100 1069

[newly added installations added by China Energy Portal, based on same stats for year-end 2019 (link)]
Notes: 1. Unit of installed capacity:MW;Generation unit:GWh;
2. Data source:CEC。

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